In my blood pt.2

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You arrived at a hotel late. You looked a mess. And you felt like a mess too. The woman at the front desk gave you a sympathetic smile as she handed you your key as you sniffled. You smiled back as much as you could before heading to the lift and went straight to your room. Once you were in your room, you immediately jumped into bed and attempted to fall asleep after you placed your phone on the bedside table, seeing a bunch of texts and phone calls from Jack and some from the boys. You sighed before pulling up the covers of the bed.
You woke up the next day with a bad headache and a feeling of sadness. You had gotten used to the lonely feeling waking up but it was never like this. Slowly, you sat up and picked up your phone. 35 missed calls from Jack and 54 texts. And there was a bunch from the boys too. You sighed and called the last person who called you, who happened to be Joe.
J- "Hello?"
J- "Oh thank god you picked up. Where the hell are you?"
Y-"I'm at a hotel"
J-"We've been so worried"
Y-"I was away for one night, Joe"
J-"Jacks been worried the most. He hadn't slept and he misses you"
Y-" Well I'm sorry if I don't feel as bad for him as that's what I've been going through for weeks now. He has barely made conversation and it felt as though he disliked me or our relationship was a joke. That's what he's made me believe Joe"
J-"I didn't know that..."
Y-"No you didn't. Because I bet he barely mentioned me or my welfare because he doesn't care. I don't think he has for a while"
J-"Jack does care. He's just been stressed"
Y-"Then why didn't he tell me that instead of pushing me to the side and making me feel worthless?"
There was no answer on the other end
Y-"Goodbye Joe. Tell Jack I'll be coming to collect my stuff and I'll be getting my own place as soon as possible" 
You sigh in frustration. You didn't want to end it like this but it was the only way. You knew now Jack didn't care. The last week has shown this.
You head down to the reception and book the room for the next week before heading out and heading to your and Jacks place. It only took an hour so you began to walk.
Once you arrived, you sighed in exhaustion and knocked on the door. Almost instantaneously, Jack opened the door with red eyes. You stand your ground with a emotionless look on your face. "Y/N..." You cut him off. "I just came to get my stuff and I'll be on my way" you say pushing by him and up the stairs to your old shared room. "What happened to working it out?" You stopped in your tracks and turned towards him. "Don't act like you care enough Jack. You have made me feel worthless for the past couple of weeks and I'm sick of it. It's not healthy for either of us to keep doing this because it's obvious it's a one way relationship. I have given you all the love I can give and I get barely nothing in return. I'm sorry. I did try but in the end it was down to you, not me" You turn away and continue to the bedroom. You pull out another bag and shove all of your clothes into it. You then grab another bag and stuff all of your other stuff in it before heading downstairs. "Please stop! Think about what your doing" you stop again at Jack and again turn towards him. "Have you thought about what you've done? Because I have. And I'm done with it Jack. YOU ruined this. Not me" you say harshly before walking towards the door. "If you walk out of the door and it means you never loved me and your giving up" "Are you not listening to a word I'm saying? I did not cause this Jack. It was all on you. I tried for weeks and go NOTHING. So don't you dare say that when you should know well enough it's you that caused this" Tears began to fall and Jacks face falls. You had been emotionless the whole time but now you had had enough of Jack trying to make you feel guilty. "You know what the worst thing is? You haven't even apologised. You have just stood there, trying to make me feel guilty and worse than you have already made me feel" Tears begin to fall from Jacks face but you show no remorse. "Have a nice life Jack" You turn one final time and walk out of the door, towards your car and drove away from Jack and his home for maybe the last time.....

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