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jack was out getting late night shopping for you both while you stayed at home and cleaned up a bit after taking a relaxing shower. jack had only been gone for around 15 minutes but he had texted saying he would only be around half an hour longer.
so you started putting clothes away that had been washed and ironed in your room. you began humming a random song when you heard the door handle being messed with downstairs. instantly you stopped what you wear doing and stood in silence for a couple of seconds. the noise continued and you decided to call jack to see if it was him and he had left the key. he picked up after 2 rings.
"hi love. what's up?" he asked. "are you trying to get into the house?" you ask nervously already knowing the answer would be no. "um no i'm still at tesco's" panic rises in you and just as that happens you hear a smash of glass downstairs. "jack, someone's breaking into our house" you say with tears in your eyes. you hear jacks breathing quicken and yours does the same as you hear footsteps downstairs stomping around. "oh god... ok y/n.... you need to hide" his voice is in a panic. you nod but then realise he can't see you and reply with ok. "conor's hear with me and he's going to call the police, okay? we're on our way too" you reply again with a quiet okay before hiding in large closet. "please stay on the phone with me jack" you whimper as you hear the footsteps head upstairs. "don't you worry i'm not leaving you okay?" he says and you reply again with ok. you hear the person run into jacks gaming room where he keeps all his video equipment, gaming consoles and some dj stuff. a sudden urge of confidence powers through you and come out of the closet. you know what your doing is stupid but the police will arrive soon and jack spent so much money and time getting that equipment. you sigh and walk towards the room where the robber is. you peak around to see them trying to take the tv and other items. "hello?" you hear a quite loud voice yell and realise you still have jack on the phone. apparently so does the robber because he turns in your direction and looks right at you. you hold your breath and wonder what to do. the man runs towards you but you run downstairs. he chases after you, trying to grab you when he gets close. suddenly, the front door opens to reveal a worried jack and conor beside a few police men. you look at the man and he glances at you before running at you again but this time he successfully grabs you and wraps his arms around you securely. "sir, move away from the girl" one police men says. jack eyes are on you, panic all over his face. you look around to see if there was anything you could grab but nothing seem small enough or hard enough. so you decided to do something risky. you bit the mans arm. hard. he grunts in pain before pushing you to the ground and you land with a thud. the man runs towards the stairs but the police are right behind him and push him to the ground and hand cuff him. during this jack and conor run over to you and help you up. jack pulls you in his arms, sighing in relief. you let out a sob and wrap your arms around your boyfriend. conor pats your back in confront. you both pull away. "how did you get downstairs? did he find you?" you laugh lightly remembering that you had decided to save jacks stuff than hide. "i came out of the hiding place because he started going through your gaming and dj stuff. i didn't want him to take it knowing you spent so much time and money on them" jack shakes his head and rubs his hands over his face. "you could have gotten seriously hurt" you shrug. "i didn't just strut in. i forgot i had you on speaker for a bit and you spoke really loudly and he noticed me at the door and chased me" you say laughing lightly but jacks face pales. "oh.... i could gotten you hurt" you shake your head and put his face in your hands. "it was my fault. not yours" he sighs and shakes his head before pulling you into a hug.
after the police asked questions and you cleaned up some of the smashed items and fixed jacks gaming room, you all went to bed (conor slept in the guest room) and tried to forget about the whole thing

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