I still get nervous

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A/N : From now on, I'm just going use capitals and stuff because I don't think I find lower case stuff as appealing as I did when I first started this.

One of your favourite places to go with Jack to was the nearest café. It had been your hotspot for a year now and where you down most of your work as you were a journalist (idk I just like the idea) and you often brought your laptop with you.

It was a Sunday and Jack was out with the boys for a bit so you decided to go the cafe for an hour or two. As you entered, the familiar smell of coffee and cakes crashed upon your nose and you smile. You walk over to your usual table which was as usual, free. You take a seat and pull out your laptop to begin your work for the day but also look around to see who else was in the room but there was no one recognisable. Unexpectedly, a man stands in front of you with a smile on his face. You and Jack had seen this man often as he was usually working here when you and Jack were here. "Can I get you anything?" He asks as he pulls out a pen and a note pad. "Um, yeah, could I please get a cup of tea with one of your best cakes?" The man nods writing down the order quite quickly. "Ok I'll be right back with your order" He says and he walks away towards the counter. You begin to type your assignment thing for your work. A couple of minutes later, the man returns with your order and you thank him before returning to your work.

Around an hour and a half later, you get a text. You pick up the phone to see Jack's name and a few messages you obviously missed.

J: Hey, all the boys went home but we're meeting later tonight. Where are you?

J: Hello? Y/N? Are you home or are you out?

J: Just checked and your not home. Where are you?

J: Ngl your starting to worry me just a little

You laugh at the panic seeping through Jacks messages and reply.

Y: I'm at our favourite place

J: Nandos? Without me?!

Y: No. Café where we usually are half the time

J: Oooh, okay I'll be there soon

You shut off your phone and go up the counter to ask for your third and probably final cup of tea. "I'll bring it over to you" The woman says with a wide grin on her face. You smile at her politeness and take a take a seat but not before thanking her. Minutes later she comes over and gives you the cup of tea. "Sorry for the wait" She says before walking behind the counter again. You take a sip of the beverage and sigh at the warmth before realising Jack was walking up to your table. Smiling, you close your laptop lid slightly and gaze at your boyfriend. "You were quick" You say before putting down your cup. "I was ­in a rush to see you" Jack says, fidgeting with his hands. You notice his fidgeting state. "Are you alright?" You ask grabbing his hands. "Er... yeah yeah. Fine" You give him a worried look. "No, there's something wrong" Jack laughs and shakes his head, almost nervously. "Its nothing. Something stupid as usual" You sigh. "Jack, nothings ever stupid when you're like this talk to me. Why are you fidgeting and being weird" You ask. "Sometimes... even though we've been together for so long.... I still get a little bit nervous around you" A smile appears on your face. "Why?" "Because ... your beautiful and funny and sweet and kind and I don't know... I just feel like a little boy at school who fancies a girl" You both laugh. "You sure know how to make a girl blush Jack Maynard" He smiles and kisses your hand. "Do you want to go back to the flat and finish your work there?" You nod and you and Jack collect your things before handing your money to the woman at the counter. Jack takes your hand and you head back to the flat, smiles printed on your faces.

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