silence pt.1

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you stand in the middle of living room, looking at the wreck around you. you boyfriend jack is ripping the apartment into shreds, only anger on his mind. you want to move but your scared incase jack hurts you. so you stand there in total silence and watch your boyfriends rampage in your own home. jack grunts and finally sits down in the middle of his mess. you still don't move. you physically can't find in it in you, so you both sit in complete silence for a few seconds. jacks yelling fills the air again and all you can do is close your eyes and hope for it to be over. you hear him begin to yell at you but you slowly begin to block it out as your breathing quickens and you panic. you feel jack shake you but you try to keep still and quiet and also maintain your breathing. once you feel a little more calm you finally open your eyes and sound comes back to your ears. "TALK TO ME!" jack shouted your my face violently. you still say nothing, letting tears fall from your eyes.
suddenly, the front door opened and you looked over to see none other than conor standing there, with a shocked look upon his face. jack glances at conor but quickly gazes back at you with a face of anger still. "what the hell?" conor shouts still taking in his surroundings. "what happened?" conor asks walking towards both of you, stepping over broken furniture and photo frames. "none of your business" jack replies, glaring at his brother. "y/n?" conor looks at in confusion and worry. you look around in panic, unsure what to do. "SPEAK!" jack shouts at you again. you shake in fear and conor looks at his brother in shock. "jack why are you shouting at her?" conor steps in front of jack and looks at you with concern. "are you okay?" you let out a shaky breath and shake your head slightly in 'no'. "oh she's being exaggerated as usual" jack yells trying to get past conor to confront you but conor doesn't let him. conor turns swiftly to talk to jack and they begin yelling at eachother.
you look around, your breaths becoming faster pace in panic and before you know it you run out of you and jacks shared apartment without a word. you step outside and see heavy rain immediately. you rush to your car and sit in silence with your head on the wheel not knowing what to do or where to go.
after a few minutes you look to see conor rushing out of the house, running towards your car. he knocks on your window and with shaking hands you press the button that pulls the window down and look at conor with fear. "where are you going? just so i know so in the morning i can tell jack when he's probably panicking. you look down. "he won't conor. and i dont know where im going" conor sighs and nods. "i know it may be hard to believe but he does care. i dont know what hes doing right now but i'm going to talk to him and sort it out" its your turn to sigh as you start your car. conor takes a step back. "text me when your somewhere safe" you nod and drive off, not having a clue where your going but feeling a little more relaxed knowing your away from jack and conor is sorting things out.... 

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