Someone hurts you

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You and Jack were out to go clothes shopping, mainly for Jack as he wanted to get rid of some clothes and get new ones in. Both of you were walking hand and hand while looking at shop windows to see if there anything either of you wanted. Suddenly, a bunch of girls run up to Jack and ask him for pictures. "Oh my god. I love you so much Jack and I love your video!!" Jack smiled politely and nodded. "Sure. Y/N, can you take the pictures?" You nodded and walked over and took the phone from the girls hand as she passed it. All of the girls posed with Jack in the middle. You smile as you go to hand the phone back. "Thanks" the girl says and you smile. The girls walk away and Jack walks over and takes your hand. "Im going to get food and you can take a seat while I do, okay?" He asks and you nod. You walk over to a table and sit on your phone as Jack walks over to McDonald's. Just as you do, a group of girls walk over to you with angry expressions on their faces. "Your that slag Jack's going out with right?" One girl asks aggressively. "Excuse me?" You ask confused and a bit offended. The girl gets close to your face and pulls at your hair. "Jack is mine. He doesn't want a dirty tramp like you" Your face fills with fear and pain as the girl pulls you up by your hair and chucks you on the ground. People around gasp but the girl doesn't stop. She turns you over and punches your face before kicking you in the back before someone pulls her away. Jack. His face is filled with anger and disgust at the girl. "What the hell is going on?" He shouts at the girl. "Jack! I'm a big fan... " "How dare you?! You don't beat up my girlfriend and then try and say your a fan!" he says before turning to you. The girl stands there shocked and huffs away and turns to her friends who have began to walk away from her in disgust. Jack helps you up. "Lets get you home" he says lifting you up and carrying you out of the store. Once you get to the car, Jack helps you into your sea as you wince in pain as you feel a headache come on. Jack then gets in beside you, a guilty look on his face. "I'm so sorry" "Don't be. It's not your fault" Jack puts his head on the wheel and sighs. "I feel terrible" "Well don't. I'm fine." You laugh slightly. You were okay. You weren't badly hurt and you only had a headache. "Let's just go home and relax. You need it" You smile at Jack as he begins to drive home, feeling better than you did before.

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