just friends? pt.1

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you and jack have known each other for nearly ten years and had been friends for the same time. you had been through a lot together, experiencing break ups and having arguments. but you had more than just friendly feelings for jack. your feelings were as close to love. but he had eyes for another. her name was katie. you had never met her nor do you want to. but jack insisted considering you were best friends. you agreed and now here you were, walking towards his apartment, anxiety filling you. as you step in front of jacks door, you hesitate before knocking gently. a few seconds later, jack opens the door, revealing a blonde with a pony tail behind him. "y/n!" you smile as he hugs but you break apart when you hear a cough. the blonde gives you a glare and you smile back. your not going to ruin this for jack. "this is katie" you smile again and shake her hands but you see her rubbing her on her top after. well then. jack gestures you in and you oblige. "would you like a drink?" "erm no thanks" jack nods and heads to get a drink for himself and maybe katie. you'd think it would be awkward and silent but katie turns to you and glares again. "listen here slag, i'm jacks only girl now. you are soon going to be out of the picture" you widen your eyes  and jack comes through so you change your expression. "alright ladies, here's to a toast to your new friendship" jack hands you a glass as well as katie. "i said i didnt...." jack interrupts you. "i know but we need to toast" you nod and you and katie and jack clink glasses.
you all sit there for a few more minutes in silence until katie speaks. "jack, can i speak to you for a minute?" jack nods with confusion on his face. both of them stand and head to another room. you sit there awkwardly awaiting their return. jack comes back with katie behind him, guilt on his face. "erm, y/n. i'm really sorry, but your gonna have to leave. and i don't think we can see each other " tears fill your eyes at those words. you had doubts about jack being friends with you and if he actually was your best friend incase he left. he confirmed those thoughts. you nod and get your coat before walking out the door without looking back. jack calls you as you begin to walk home in the now pouring rain. jack had promised a lift but considering the circumstances it's doubtful he will. you finally turned around to see jack running after you. "what jack?" you ask with annoyance in your voice. you weren't one to get annoyed but he was playing you about. "i'm sorry. do you at least want a lift home?" you sigh and shake your head before walking away. "it's raining badly. your gonna get a cold..." "i'll be fine" you shout behind you before you continue to walk back home...
a few hours later
you sit in your apartment with a mug of tea in your hands while watching a film. after the event between jack and yourself, you came home and got a shower before getting into your jammies. you cozy up in your bed, unable to get tonight out of your thoughts. after a long friendship, it was ended because of a girl. you fell asleep thinking that as tears streamed down your face...

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