silent treatment

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you woke up to your alarm telling you to wake up for work. today was your birthday but sadly you had to work. you turned to see that jack was still asleep, so you quietly got up and put on your usual attire for work. you then went downstairs and made breakfast and began to charge your phone before you left. just as you finished making you and jacks breakfast, he walked down the stairs. you placed the food on the table. "morning" jack says, wrapping his arms around your waist. he kisses your check and you return it. "morning love" jack sits down and you sit across from him. you both begin to eat your breakfast silently, until jack opened up a conversation. "so what are you doing today?" "uh nothing really. working then coming home to make dinner, shower and then go to bed. very interesting" you say with a laugh. he laughs too. "what about you?" "i've got a meeting then i'm going out for a drink with conor" you nod but think to yourself 'maybe he's forgotten it's your birthday'. you push that thought away and head to your currently charging phone. as you pick it up you see a bunch of texts saying happy birthday. there's texts from joe, mikey, josh and even conor but you still haven't received a happy birthday from jack. but as you read through you realised the time. you unplugged your phone and picked up
your bag for work. just as you were about to leave you turn and give jack a quick kiss on the check and head out into the morning, hoping your boyfriend would remember...
a few hours later
you had returned from a stressful day at work. some of your co workers, who you were good friends with, gave you a few presents and birthday cards. even some of the boys turned up at your lunch break and gave your presents. as you walk in and pull off your heels from your aching feet, there was no sign of jack. you checked the time and you gathered he hadn't finished his meeting or he had went out with conor. you decide to put your presents away for later and make yourself some dinner
you sit at the table with your pot noodle and a glass of wine, waiting for jack. the time read 8.30 pm and he still hasn't come on from his meeting or being out with conor. you bin the rest of the pot noodle and refill the glass of wine. just as you do so, jack walks in. "hi, what's the occasion?" he asks as he kisses you on the check. you shrug in response taking a gulp of the drink. maybe he did really forgot. he gives you a confused expression and sits next to you. "are you okay?" he asks taking your hands. you nod and stand up from the table and away from jack. he looks at you with worry as you go to the living room. for a second you think jack would leave you alone but then he comes running behind you "babe, are you sure your okay?" you sigh and nod. silent treatment would be the best for this situation. "okay well i'm going out with conor, so don't wait up" you sigh as he leaves. what an eventful birthday...
jacks pov
i head to my uber to the pub me and conor usually meet up. i park up and head inside to see conor sitting at a table with two drinks. "hey mate" conor says as he stands up to hug me. after hugging we sit down and start to talk. "y/n seemed really quiet today. i'm quite worried. it was after she came home from work. maybe something happened there but i'm worried about her." conor nods and sighs. "well i mean she had to work on her birthday... could be stress of it all. but she seemed fine when i gave her her present." i froze. birthday?. crap... "wait it's her birthday?" conor nodded in surprise. "you forgot? jeez she must be upset" i look down in guilt and disappointment in myself. "mate i would go and apologise. i nod and hug conor goodbye. "text me how it goes" he says and i nod. i phone an uber and head back home to y/n
when i arrive i open to find y/n sleeping on the couch. sigh and walk over to her. i lift her and begin to carry her to bed. before i can tuck her in she stirs away. "mmmm... jack?" i nod and run my hands through her hair. "i'm sorry i forgot your birthday love. i was getting ready for it days ago as well but because of the meeting i forgot" she nods and pulls me down beside her. she then runs her hands through my hair. "it's okay you had a long day and as long as your here it's fine" she smiles at me. "no it's not fine. i'll make it up to you tomorrow because we are going to (your favourite restaurant)" she smiles at me "you know you don't have to" i shake my head and pull her into my chest. "i do and i am. the boys can come too if you want?" "i would like that very much mr maynard" her statement makes me laugh and i wrap my arms around her small body. "goodnight love" "goodnight"

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