In my blood pt3

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It had been a month
One month since you had last spoken to Jack or been around him. But you had finally agreed with him to meet up to talk over things. You want to see how things will go but you have told yourself you are not falling back in his arms with ease. You decided to go back to your old place, which seems like a bad place to meet up to discuss a broke relationship when that was where it ended but you decided to go anyway.
You had spoke to Mikey over the course of a month as you two had been good friends while and before you and Jack started dating. He was always checking up on you and giving you details on Jacks well-being. Because even though your no longer together and you didn't end on a good note, it doesn't mean you can't care for him and make sure he's safe and not doing anything stupid.
So today was the day you were meeting up with him. You decided to not tell anyone apart from Mikey as he was the only one you were really talking to at the moment. You hadn't fold your friends either just so you could do this without stress from them or any input on your decision.
The car seemed long and menacing as the rain spattered on the car making everything around look dreary and dull.
Once you arrived, you stood outside, debating whether to go in or not. So after an internal battle, you knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later, Jack opened the door with red eyes and pjs. He gestured you to come in and you did so reluctantly as you looked around. The house you once called your home was covered in scatters of clothing and left over take away boxes. You stood in the middle of the room and stared at your feet awkwardly. "Erm would you like a drink?" Jack asks gesturing to the kitchen. You shook your head. "You wanted to talk so let's talk" you say looking up suddenly gaining a burst of confidence and not holding back. You meet Jacks eyes and stare at him with an emotionless face. "I wanted to apologise" You rolled your eyes. "Took you long enough" Jack looked at you, shocked at your change in attitude from when he saw you last. "I want to work things out Y/N" "So did I Jack. But you wouldn't let me. You ran away and left it. You waited a month to even speak to me again" Jacks eyes fill with tears and you feel a bit of sympathy for him but pushed that aside and let your feelings out. "I loved you Jack. I still do. And that's what's so hard. Because even though I love you, I don't know if I can put myself through what you did again. I don't know if I can take that risk. I am NEVER one to give up on anything especially what we had. And you know that!! But I don't think I can go on. I loved you with my whole heart. But that wasn't enough for you!" You finally burst into tears and a few tears fall from Jacks face. "I know!! I know what I put you through. I realised as soon as you walked out. I regret EVERYTHING I ever did to hurt you!! And I know you would never give up on us. Its me who gave up on us without intentionally wanting to. I didn't know what I wanted. I was trying to work stuff out but doing so I lost one of the best things that ever happened to me! I love you so much Y/N. I don't want to lose you again because I don't think I can handle it. This past month has been hell, believe me. Please" At this point, Jack has fallen to his knees and is crying his eyes out which makes you cry more. You crouch in front of him. "If you do love me, if you do want this, look me in the eye and tell me you won't ever make me feel that way again. That it was a stupid mistake. That I won't EVER want to leave us behind" You say harshly, wiping away your tears. Jack sniffles and holds your face, delicately. "I promise you I will NEVER make you feel that crap again. I won't ever neglect you in anyway or make you unwanted and I promise you I will never repeat my actions. I won't ever make you want to leave us again and I will love you till the end" Jack says, crying again. You nod. "I forgive you but you better stick to your word Jack or I am out that door" He nods desperately. "I won't. I want you safe, here in this house, with me" He pulls you into a tight hug and you begin to sob. "I love you so much" Jack says rubbing your back then kissing your head. "I love you too"

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