|red and white roses|

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You know that feeling when you go down a hill to fast on your bike? The rush you get and the way it makes you feel. That's what being with her made mike feel.

Mike sat alone in his room reading a book. He was thinking about her again and instantly his cheeks turned red. The cosines of his own space and the pillow he tends to huddle up to made him feel safe. Mike put his book down and looked over to his picture frame, the picture of him and eleven still brand new. The change of photo upset Dustin as it used to be a photo of him and mike but he soon realised how mike felt about the mysterious girl.
"MIKE! SOMEONE IS HERE TO SEE YOU" Nancy shouts. Mike instantly knows who it is.

|Elevens POV|
I knocked on his door loudly, hoping mike would answer it. To my surprise, it was Nancy
"Why hello el" Nancy says.
" hello nance" I reply. Will and Joyce has been helping me with my speech and understanding of things, so when I saw the smile across Nancy's face. I couldn't help but smile back.

Nancy shouted up to mike and within seconds I could hear him rushing down the stairs. I couldn't help but laugh, he was just funny and I loved him (I never told him that tho) as he walked towards the door I could see his curly hair appear. He is so dreamy.

|Mikes POV|
As I walked towards the door i see her short shoulder length hair and brown hazelnut eyes. She's so perfect. I smile and walk outside to be alone with El. She gives me a smile and my heart melts, she makes me feel like I can run on water. I love her but I could never tell her that. I would chicken out.
"Hey mike" she softly says.
"Hey beautiful" I reply, instantly realising what I said.

|Elevens POV|
"Hey beautiful" mike replies.
OH. MY.GOD DID HE JUST SAY THAT??? I never thought he would build up the courage to say that. I blush a deep red and he gives me that goofy smile. It's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I instantly hug mike tightly. Even though we saw each other last night. I missed him so much.

|Mikes POV|
She hugged me tight and my first instinct was to hug her back. Els my world and I couldn't be happier. El wasn't exactly my girlfriend but she acted like it.  I found everything about her absolutely adorable.
"Hey El?" I ask. Her face looks up at me and her eyes take me in like a portal to another dimension.
"Do you...uh...wanna go. Uhm... go watch a film?" I ask, I didn't realise how mush I stuttered till El started laughing.

|Elevens POV|
His stuttering was so cute, I couldn't help but laugh at him. Thinking about what he had asked made me realise. Was Mike asking me out on a date?
"Like...a date?" I ask. Mike blushes slightly and nods.
"If you don't mind" mike said. Of course I didn't mind, I loved him with all my heart.
"Are you kidding? I'd love to mike" I replied with a slight giggle.

|Mikes POV|
Her giggle was the thing that made me realise how perfect she was.
"Come on then beautiful" I said with a smirk, holding my hand out for her to take.
She takes it and squeezes my hand tightly. The squeeze sent shivers down my spine. I shivered and El noticed.

|Elevens POV|
I notice Mike shiver and instantly I get worried. But, me being me I decided to pull him into a tight squeeze and kiss his cheek. I soon start to realise that I just kissed him and I blush.
"Let's go then" I say, trying to hide my face. Mike smiles at me and kisses my cheek back. He is so perfect. I grab his hand and we start to walk towards Hawkings theatre.

|Mikes POV|
Her bone hugging squeeze and kiss was all I needed. Her blush just added the extra touch to the moment. I kiss her cheek back and I take her hand. I don't think she realised but she started dragging me along the street. El is always so eager to learn new things and she had never been to a theatre and I couldn't wait to take her.

|Elevens POV|
As we got to the theatre, mike looked me in the eyes and I instantly blushed and breathed in deeply. I didn't know what to expect. His curly hair was moving in the wind and his freckles were easily noticeable in the sunlight. He was everything. I didn't want to stand here forever so I just risked it. I grabbed Mike's collar and pulled him into a deep kiss.

|Mikes POV|
She grabbed my collar and pulled me into a deep kiss. I blush a dark red and kiss back, placing my hands on her waist. El's hands move from my collar and onto my shoulders. I pull her closer into the kiss, not wanting to ever let go of her. Soon enough we were snogging and I couldn't be happier. We didn't care if we were in public, she was my life and I was hers. That's all that mattered

After about 4 minuets we broke apart and smiled. The movie was about to start so we bought our tickets and sat down in the back of the room. The lights went off and the only thing that was brightening the room was the screen. I felt El grab onto my hand and I pulled her close.

In my mind I decided that after the movie I would ask her to be my girlfriend.

|Elevens POV|
The lights turned off and I grabbed mike's hand. He pulled me closer and the movie started. In my mind I decided that I would ask Mike to be my boyfriend after the movie. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and started slowly picking each piece out of my hand and pooped it into my mouth.

The movie was about two hours long and when it ended, I had fallen asleep with my head on Mike's shoulder. I woke up to him kissing my forehead

|Mike's POV|
I woke her up with a kiss o the forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and I took her hand in mine. She stood up and I lead her out of the theatre and to the park. The sun was setting and it had a own whilst we were watching the movie. I picked a red rose out from a bush and a white one from a different one without my princess noticing. We got to a park bench and I sat her down.

|Elevens POV|
Mike sat me on a park bench and got on one knee. He grabbed two roses from behind his back and a tear fell from my eye. I guess he beat me to it!
The sun was setting and the sky had turned a pink colour. It was perfect

|Mikes POV|
Got on one knee and smiled at El.
"El, you've been my soulmate since the first day we met. I could tell that you would mean something to me and I think about you everyday. You are my world, stars and universe. My everything and I love you so so so much. Would you do me the honour and me my girlfriend?" I asked. I was surprised I didn't stutter but I saw the tears fall down el's face and thought it was a no. That was until she jumped up and launched herself at me, making us both fall backwards.

|Elevens POV|
I launched myself at mike and hugged him tightly. He wax the most amazing person on the earth and I loved him. I cried tears of happiness and just managed to say "yes"
I smiled and helped him back up. I laughed and held his hand tightly all the way home.

Authors note
Well. How cute was that?
I have to admit, mileven is adorable and I'm gonna love writing all of these.
Stay strange 💙🦋

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