|The Pink Dress|

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~Mikes POV~
I looked over to Elevens fort. She was sound asleep and I sighed, wanting her to get up so I could talk to her. I waited and waited till the late morning till the young girls eyes fluttered open.
"Morning beautiful" I say to my girlfriend. I can see the faint smile across her face and the blush appear on her cheeks. She was everything and I loved her more than she loved eggos. I got up and hugged El tightly. Not wanting to let go

~Elevens POV~
I woke up to see mike sitting on the sofa in the basement. By looking at the sky I could tell it was late morning or early afternoon. I sit up and instantly get pulled back down by mike's bone crushing hug. It was a nice way to wake up. He was warm.his hug made me flinch. I wasn't feeling that good.
"Hey mike?" I ask.
"Yeah?" Mike replied with a worried look
"My stomach hurts" I say with a slight pout.
He let's go of me and runs upstairs. A few moments later he came back down with a hot water bottle and a plate of eggos. He is a lifesaver
"Thank you" I say and I kiss him on the cheek.

~Mikes POV~
"Thank you" she says and she kisses me on the cheek. I blush a light red and pull her onto the couch, handing her the plate and placing the hot water bottle on her stomach. She must think I am a hero or something but really I just care about her. She eats her food and rests her head on my shoulder. I smile and pull her closer, wrapping a blanket around the two of us. After a while I looked over to see her asleep on my shoulder. I move us so we're laying down and position her on my chest.

~Elevens POV~
He pulls me into the sofa and hands me my food, placing the hot water bottle on my stomach. I smiled and ate the eggos  really fast. All that food made me sleepy so I fell asleep on Mike's shoulder.

~Nancys POV~
(Cuz why not)
I was looking through my clothes when I saw my pink dress that El borrowed. I was curious as to how it got here because el was wearing it a few days ago. I smile and put it in Mikes room, with a not saying El could have it. Just think of it as a 'If you put up with mike, your part of the family' present. I walked out of Mike's room and decided to go check on El. I know she hasn't been feeling great and I know why so I thought I would check on her. I walk down the creaky stairs and spot Mike and El asleep on the sofa together. It was the most adorable sight I have ever seen. I walked upstairs and grabbed Jonathans  camera that he left here and took a photo. Knowing that this couple would last forever.

Authors note.
Well it was short but cute. I love Mileven but I might make this into a mixed one shot book with other couples and ships in it.

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