|Snowed In|

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The snow had been lightly settling in the concrete around 12:00 in the afternoon. The Group were sat in the basement playing D&D whilst El sat on the sofa in awe whilst watching mike try to roll a 13 or higher. It was cute how they both practically worshiped each other.

|Mikes POV|
Since El has been living with me my mum has started letting us sleep in the same room. I may of told a tiny lie and said that El had nightmares whenever I wasn't by her side, which was partly true.

It had started snowing around lunch time so we decided to finish our game of D&D before we went outside. Every minuet I would look over to El and see her just staring at me. Not even blinking. I found it adorable and, whenever I looked over, I could see a pink blush appear in her face. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

|Lucas' POV|
I would never tell mike or El this but I found their innocent relationship cute. It was funny how El was the only one who Mike mentioned in a conversation and kinda annoying when El would never leave Mikes side. It can really piss us all off but everyone knows the two lovebirds can be cute, sometimes.

I was hoping Max would show up today but her brother wouldn't let her come over. I fucking hate the long haired bastard. Max was the other girl of the group, the girl I liked the most. The girl I wanted to be with like El is with mike. My own Mike and El relationship but, one thing stood in my way. Dustin.
Dustin liked Max to but he tried not to show it. Let's just say he is failing miserably

|Dustins POV|
I sat around the table and waited for mike to stop making googley eyes at El. I have to admit, it's cute but no one dares to say that out loud.

I was kinda upset when Max told us she couldn't make it, all because of her racist brother. God I hate him. Most people don't know but I have a thing for max. She's cute and makes my heart rush, she's all I need. I hope one day I will have a relationship like Mike and El's. But until then, the little red head girl is all I have eyes for.

|Elevens POV|
I was sat on the sofa gazing at Mike, trying to count all of his freckles and always messing up. Whenever he looked over to me I would blush, feeling embarrassed that he caught me staring at him. He probably thought it was cute, Mike thinks everything about me is cute. I just think it's disgusting

|Nancy's POV|
I hear wolf whistles and cheers coming from the basement and I instantly know what's happened. They had won there game of D&D. I was shocked that El hadn't came running up to my room because of the loud noise. Then I heard everyone cheering, apart from Mike and El. I knew what they were doing and I couldn't help but chuckle. Mike hadn't always been an helpless romantic but El changed him

I look out my window and gasp. We were snowed in.

"EVERYONE" Nancy shouts, grabbing everyone's attention. They run upstairs to see her shocked face.
"We're snowed in" she added, everyone's jaws dropping.

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