|Byler|Toxic love|

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A/N: this is dedicated to my friend :3 he likes byler so I was like 'okay den we will write byler in my mileven book cuz that makes sense' so here I am 😂😂
I'm so sorry that I make you cringe
It was cold, dark. Eleven had been gone for six years and mike had slowly gotten over her with every slow, depressing step. He will always love her  but it was time to move on. He had distanced himself from most of the group, except one. Will Byers was his best friend. They did a lot together and their friendship was cherished and idolised by most. It was truly a unique relationship. Very unique in fact.

What most didn't know was they both had developed some sort of feeling for one and other. Will loved mike, no doubt about it but the feeling wasn't exactly mutual. Mike was just looking to get over eleven and Will was there. It was very one sided but Will didn't mind. He didn't even know it was all an act. He truly thought he was finally with the guy he had longed for.

One question always stuck in will's head 'why keep our relationship a secret' and mike would always smirk and walk off ahead of will if he asked it so, will didn't bother asking mike. He left it and continued on in this secretly toxic, friends with benefits relationship that him and mike had. He just didn't know how bad the toxicity of the two being 'together' was. He denied it, learned to push that thought away and just focused on his curly haired, brown eyed, freckle cheeked, heartthrob of a 'boyfriend'

Mike in the other hand, acted so strong and pure around others but if you looked deep into his eyes, you could tell he was broken. Yes, he was slowly healing but, first love never leaves your heart: right? It was partly true. This boy was never going to fully get over Eleven but, he could numb the pain with casual make out sessions and long walks in the forest with his 'best friend' Will Byers. Mike didn't know what to think. He liked Will in that way but, he felt like if he got with will, he would be letting Eleven down and he would never want to do that, so, he left it at a friends with benefits stage.

Mike was walking down the road. Wind in his hair, his dark locks blowing into his eyes ever so often. He was truly mesmerising and everyone wanted him. Everyone also thought he was gay due to the photos that Troy had leaked of 'frogface and fairy kissing' as tru had captioned them. It was awful but mike chose not to acknowledge any of the teasing that it caused. Slowly, he walked up to a house, the Byers residence. After knocking three times, he waited for someone to answer and, thankfully someone did.
"Hey mike" an average height, brown haired boy said, smiling like he had just seen something his little kid heart had seen in the shops and he had finally received as a present.
"Hey will" mike said, looking down at the floor, fiddling with his hand. Will had noticed this and he pulled mine into the house, that he was alone at. Him mom was working and Johnathan was most likely with Steve and Nancy. The two teens took this as an advantage and used the free space for peace and time with each other.
Will grabbed ahold of Mikes hands, causing mike to look up slightly to meet will's eyes with his own. Will's eyes glimmered and mike found himself blushing. He didn't know why, or how but he did and it was a surprise for the both of them.

The day went on like this. Every small gesture will made, mike reacted like he loved will. Maybe he did and he finally had come to terms with his toxic feeling that, weren't so toxic anymore

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