Chapter 3: I always wanted a nap for breakfast!

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"Uh huh?"

"Are you sleepy?"


"Do you want me to hang up?"

"Lexi, talk to me." His husky voice did make everything a little bit better.

"Do you ever just have this feeling in your stomach that just makes you so uncomfortable you don't know what to do with yourself anymore?"

"Hunger. That's what it's called. Go get yourself something to eat."

"I'm not hungry Badboy I'm just... Uncomfortable?"

I heard him breathe on the other end for a few seconds before he spoke again. "What's wrong?"


"Tell me what's wrong. This feeling in your stomach, tell me what it's like."

I thought over it for a moment.

"It feels like my heart just fell into my stomach. Like it's drowning in all the food I've eaten and that's somehow making my stomach churn. It feels like someone just decided to create a freaking storm in my stomach. And it's not even a mild storm. It's like one of those raging storms that doesn't forgive anyone! It's loud and wild and--and-- are you still there?"

He hummed softly. He was definitely sleeping.

"Basically I feel uneasy because my heart is melting in my stomach and is getting beaten to shit."

"Your heart's fine Lexi. Your ribcage will protect it." He whispered in a soft voice.

"But... It's not!" I whispered in an even softer voice as I looked around. Gosh what am I doing?

He stayed silent. His steady breathing assuring me that I was safe. "You hear that Lexi?"


"Could you hear me breathing?"


"Good. Now place your hand on your heart and feel it. Listen to it. Cherish it. Your heart is fine Lexi. I heard you breathe and it didn't sound like a drowning heart... It sounded beautiful. Your heart isn't drowning, not even close. It's jumpy. It's excited for more. Remember that. It may feel like it's falling into a pit of angry piranhas sometimes but your heart knows it's alright. Your heart is just so--" he trailed off. Sleepy Badboy was probably the softest Badboy there was. He spoke of hearts and breathing. I couldn't imagine him saying this at any other time or to anyone else... I guess?

And I expected there to be at least a little bit of alcohol in him right now.



"I think I'm going to hang up now, goodnight."

"Lexi?" He croaked in the same husky voice that I was used to.


"Is something wrong?"

"Why would you--"

"You're scared. I think I have the right to be worried if something has Alexa Harrison's heart feeling sick."

"I--I don't know what it is really."

"It's alright Lexi. Most people get that feeling when they talk to me."

"I'm not talking butterflies, you idiot!"

He chuckled sleepily. "I never said they were butterflies." I bit my lip and shook my head. Someone clearly needed sleep.

"Goodnight Badboy." I hung up and got out of my car. It was 12:03 a.m..

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