Mental List for Myself

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I'm a very organized person and I like order, hence why I'm making this page. I also can get sucked into Wattpad very easily. To be able to continue to RP with all the new friends on here I need to manage my time wisely. To do so ice breaker up RP into how active they are, lets me see where time is being spent. Im not cutting anything out, but I also won't be joining any new RPs.
The categories below have nothing to do with my liking of the RP or the people in it, just based on how often I get replies.

Active (RPs that have steady replies and updates.)
* Welcome to the Circus
* RP book
* Lioman

On/Off (RPs that have sporadic repliesnajd updates.)
* Camp De Sang
* Black Mirror
* The Ships
* Havana
* Campus Killer
* Roses
* Rictumsomwthing

Off (RPs that have ended or died.)
* The Art Of Favors
* The Selection
* Individual RP
* The Orphanage

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