Advice from an Almost 21yr Old

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This thought came to me as I was using a gift given to me several years ago from someone who used to be a friend. Used. Meaning we're not friends anymore. It wasn't because we had a falling out or anything. We just grew up, got busy with life, and stopped talking to each other. We weren't really that close to begin with, but close enough that I invited her to my b-day party years ago when she gave me the gift.

The lesson I've learned over the years is that you're probably not going to keep every friend you have. Maybe you weren't very close with one person and as you both got busier you drifted apart. There's nothing wrong with that. It's a part of life.

Sometimes you may have a falling out with a friend and the relationship ends. That sucks and it will hurt for a while, but you'll grow stronger from the experience.

You'll gain new friends as you go out and explore life, start college, or maybe even move.

The truest friends are the ones that have stuck with you. The ones that you still hang out with even if it's once a month. The ones who think about every week and reach out to see how their doing. Friendship isn't based on how much time you spend together. It's how you can pick up with someone like no time has passed, even if it's been months since you've seen them.

Now I'm no relationship expert, so take this with a grain of salt. This is just things I've learned over my almost 21 years of life.


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