Internet Friends

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Yesterday while my mom and I were sitting at the vets office (will discuss more below) we ended up on the subject of internet friends. Can you guess what I did? I told her about you guys. She was cool with it. Trusted that I was a responsible adult and had the judgement to tell the difference between a genuine person and a creep. She does believe true friendships can be built online.

What a relief. Felt like I got a weight lifted off my shoulders.

On the vet topic. All three of our dogs ended up having diarrhea. Ollie, my did, had blood in his diarrhea. We took him to the emergency vet, just to make sure everything was okay. None of the dogs were acting seriously ill.

Dogs intestines are sensitive and can get irritated easily.

They gave us some antibiotics and the dogs are doing a lot better today. So it wasn't anything serious. (Thank goodness!)


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