Here's To My Real Friends

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Here's to ggsexistence _fearfullymade_ -varchies Decembra1998 many more!

You guys taught me that internet friend can be real friends. I grow up with a mom who was very "stranger danger," don't talk to people online. Even at the age of 19-20, she still warns me to be careful. I'm like, I know how to be safe online. You've taught me my whole life. I know not to give my address out to someone online. I am cautious, but there's a certain point where you stay vague to be "safe" or honest with people you've learned to trust.

I've been friend with some of you for a year or two. If you're actually some fourth year old pediphile, I'm sure you would have tried to get my address or pictures months ago.

I still struggle with balancing being safe online and being honest with you guys. I struggle with actually counting you as "real" friends. I struggle with accepting RPing as something serious and fun, instead of wrong and needing to hide.

That all goes back to the way I was raised, raised to be safe. But you guys are genuine people who are often more supportive than my real life friends.

I guess I just feel like I need to hide what I'm doing on here. Not that it's bad, but in a way I feel it is.

How is it for you? Do your friends and family know you RP? Is RPing actually bad? Or is it creative? Like activity writing a story with another person?

Evening thoughts. Letting out some fears/worries I've had.


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