When Dreams Give You Ideas

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The Dream:

I was a lifeguard at a water park and was sitting on a ladder several yard away from the pool. A guy who was getting a burger at one of he concession stands notices me and asks me what he should get. We communicate through hand motions since we're too far away to hear each other.

Once we decide on what he's going to eat he invites me down to him. Reluctantly I comply and walk down to the pool to meet him. He shares his food and we sit and talk.

Also the guy happened to look like Holden's FC (Gill will understand).

Then I woke up and was all bummed cause the guy was cute.


Story Idea:

This girl works as a lifeguard at a luxurious resort and hotel. She's on her break and lounging on a pool chair watching people. An attractive man catches her attention and she watches as he goes to the concession stand.

The man catches her watching him, noticing her frown as he reaches for ketchup to put on his burger. He then starts to as her what he should get, against using hand signals cause they're too far to talk. Once he's gotten his food he invites her over to join him.

They eat and talk and at the end the girl gives him her number. Later that day he texts her and invites her to dinner at the resorts most expensive restaurant. She reluctantly agrees.

When she shows up, both of them are dressed in black tie. They eat, laugh, have a merry time. Afterwards the man walks the girl to the employee housing. Before she goes inside they kiss (aw) then plan to have breakfast together in a few days.

The girl later finds out that the man is the CEO of the resort (or someone else important and rich).


It's amazing how many ideas I get from dreams.

Also I'm headed to class soon so I'll be replying to people off and on this morning.


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