The Boy I Like

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The boy I like ignored me today, which is weird cause we're friends.

I come into class and set my bag down by the desk he sat at. There was an empty chair next to him, a chair for me.

I walk up to the front of the room to grab my test. When I come back this other girl had taken my seat. The seat next to the boy I like. He doesn't say anything as I grab my bag. Giving a look at them that screams, "What the heck?" They don't see cause they're backs are to me.

I grab my bag and sit at an empty desk two rows in front of them. I wonder if he notices.

The test starts.

At the end of the test I have to ask him to look at something. I walk up and put my pepper in front of his face. He doesn't look up, just signs the paper.

Then I wake up.
It was just a dream.
I don't even have a crush currently.
What the heck brain?!

The boy even had black hair, which is my fav. And his name starts with J. I don't know ay guy with black hair who's name starts with J.

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