Selection RP

13 3 10

No, I am not making a selection RP. I've never even read the books (even though it think almost everyone knows how they go).

A while back I had played a Prince in a selection RP and I loved it. I loved it more than being a selected. It was less pressure.
(Lumiinescence do you remember this? I think you were in it with...River and I had Prince Alden?)

Anyway, I really miss being a royal in a selection RP. I quite enjoyed my time doing it, until sadly the RP was ended when the Admin unexpectedly had to leave Wattpad.

If anyone know of a selection RP that's excepting royals, or has a RP with open royals, or is planning to make a selection RP please let me know. Please!

Thanks Y'all


Update: I got two past RP mixed up.
Prince Alden was with Ezra who was played by Ominously (do you remember that?)
Prince Liam was with Siren.

Love and miss them both.

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