Jan 1

28 9 29

Hey all! First of all I want to thank _tayalissa_ for talking with me yesterday, really helped a lot ❤️❤️

Secondly I've decided something, been giving it some thought. This place really hasn't been good for my mental health the last few months. Way to much drama.

I'm not leaving, not ready for that. Too many amazing people on here I love.
But I will be cutting back on RPing. Yeah I know I've said that before then joined like ten more RPs.

So this is how it's going to work.

Starting now I am not joining any new group RPs (selections, school, celebrity, etc.). I will finish those I am in currently.

Starting January 1st I won't be doing any RPs besides a few individual that are currently going or have planned. Plus finishing any of the group RPs I'm in. Nothing new!

I stress too much about things on here that really shouldn't be stressed about. I already have anxiety about everything else, don't need to add to it.

RP details:
-dayas and dazedaisies- I'm not dropping out of your selections because I ain't gonna do that to you!! We'll have to see where it gets at the end of the month, cause who knows what will happen by then, I may be to invested to leave.

Mari, thank you for being so understanding and such a good friend.

Glitz1300 obviously I'm staying in yours. Duh, plus it's ending soon? Right, I'm not ready for that...

sarlenone Ain't no way am I leaving your RP, way too excited for that!!!!!!!!

SlytherclawGirl2 I'm so sorry and I absolute hate to do this, but I won't be able to participate in your selection. :( hope you can understand.

To those in my selection, for now I'll keep it going. I'll keep y'all posted.

Um yeah, so that's that. This isn't anyone's fault, it's me not you. Just time for a change.

Also, side note, if anyone ever has a problem with me, please come to me.

Yep, so I'm going to hide anxiously under my five blankets now while I wait for people to react to this....


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