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Chapter 4
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Pete Wentz

Pete let out an obnoxious laugh as him and Dallon walked down the hallway together. Out of the group of friends, Pete was closest to Dallon. He seemed to always get his sense of humor and never got annoyed of Pete.

Dallon wrapped an arm around pees shoulders as they kept walking, "dude, you should come over tonight. My mom is making pasta."

Pete groaned, "I love your mom's pastas, but work calls."

Dallon snorted, "if I had two jobs I would probably kill myself. How do you deal with so many people in one day?"

Pete shrugged, "eh, it's pretty easy if you remember you're doing it for you mom."

Dallon was the only one Pete really ever talks about his home life. Thy all knew it was just the two of them and how Pete had to work two jobs, but only Dallon really knew the details. Dallon smiled lightly, "how is your mom?"

Pete shrugged, "she could be doing better, but she's strong. The two turned their heads when they heard a slam. They watched as Alex slammed Patrick against the clockers before laughing and walking away.

Dallon scoffed, "I fucking hate Alex, he's a complete douche."

Pete looked around, noticing how no one made a move to help Patrick off the ground. "Be right back," he muttered. Pete jogged up to Patrick and smiled down out him. He held his hand out, "hey, man. You ok?"

Patrick looked up at Pete and nodded shyly. Pete's smile widened, "you wanna get off the ground, or are you decent down there?"

Patrick cracked a small smile and gabbed the hand Pete was offering. Pete yanked Patrick to his feet, causing Patrick to stumble slightly. Pete wrapped his arm around Patrick's shoulders, "I haven't talked to you since like...the sixth grade. What's new?"

Patrick shrugged, pushing his glasses up, "n-nothing really. I heard you're in the v-varsity football team."

Pete grinned, "yep. You came to the games during the season, right?"

Patrick nodded, "my mom said I needed to socialize more, but I just sat and watched the game instead."

Pete chuckled "nice." Pete pulled his arm away and began walking away backwards, "it was cool talking to you, Patty. You know your always welcome to sit with us at lunch, right?"

Patrick blushed and ducked his head, "o-ok." Pete's grin got even bigger, if that was possible and waved before heading back to Dallon.

Dallon smirked, "first grade."

Pete rolled his eyes with a laugh, "come on, man. I didn't even know how kisses worked back then. Now let's go, we have class."


Pete quietly walked into his house, not sure if his mother was asleep or not. He crept into the kitchen, jumping in surprise when he saw his mom sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee.

Her hair was a mess and she had bags under her eyes. Her eyes drooped with tiredness and so did the smile she gave her son. "Peter, how was your day?" Her voice was raspy and just above a whisper.

Pete sat next to her, "it was good, mama. I have to leave in a couple minutes so I'm not late to work."

Dale patted his cheek, "honey, take the pick up truck so you don't have to walk. It's cold out."

Pete shook his head, "I'm fine. I don't have my license and if a cop pulls me over, we can't afford the ticket."

Dale frowned, resting her forehead against Pete's shoulder, "I'm sorry, Peter."

Pete rubbed her back, his eyebrows drawing together, "how come, mama?"

Dale looked at him, "I'm sorry I can't get a well paying job. You should be out with your friends right now being a reckless teen. You shouldn't've had to grow up so fast."

Pete kissed his mothers forehead, "mama, I don't care if I can't go out with my friends. They understand why I can't ever hang out either. My friend Dallon often comes to my work so he can keep me company. Tyler does too."

Dale sighed, "I'd love to meet your friends one day, they seem like great kids."

Pete grinned, "they really are. I have to go, mama, but I'll be back around one in the morning, ok?"

Dale nodded, "alright."

Pete stood up and emptied out the cup of coffee. It had gone cold, considering Dale had just been sitting there in a daze. Pete hugged his mother, "get some sleep, you look exhausted. And please don't forget to take your medicine, it's never good when you forget to."

Dale only hummed, hugging Pete tightly and letting her eyes flutter shut. Pete chuckled, "mama, you're gonna have to let go." Dale nodded and let her arms drop to her lap. Pete grabbed the house keys and waved to Dale, "I love you, don't get too crazy, ok? I don't wanna see any parties when I get home."

A laugh left dales lip, which had been Pete's goal since he got home, "oh ya, I definitely won't have a party. And I love you too, sweetheart. Be safe."

Pete nodded his head, "will do."

Pete shut the door behind him and made his way down the road. He turned back one more time to face the trailer. He stopped by the trailer that was next to theirs. He knocked on the door and smiled when Susie answered the door.

He knelt down and ruffled the five year olds curly, blonde hair, "hey, Shirley temple, is your mother home?"

Susie smiled widely, showing off her two missing teeth, "ya."

She ran back into the house and came back with her mother. Pete stood up straight, "good afternoon, Mrs. Stewart, if it's not too much, can you make sure my mom takes her medication? She's extra tired tonight and will most likely forgot by time dinner time told around." 

Mrs. Stewart nodded with a kind smile, "of course, Peter. Would you like me to drive you to work?"

Pete shook his head, "thank you, but I'm fine walking. You don't need to waste your gas money. Have a nice day, Mrs. Stewart."
Pete knelt down to Susie again, "see you around, buttercup. Be nice to your mother."

Susie nodded, "okie-dokie."

Pete kissed her hand before standing up again and continuing his walk to work.

I'm currently playing skipping with my siblings and sisters boyfriends and it's fricking awesome. We're competitive in a funny way it's hilarious. Lollll.


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