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Chapter 6
School projects
Tyler Joseph

Tyler balanced his pencil end on his finger. The teacher was writing down partners on the whiteboard and he was getting a bit tired. He glanced around the room, noting the people he hoped that one of them would be his partner. He knew it wouldn't happen, though.

He always got paired up with the people who had troubles in the class. Considering he had all straight A's, his teachers thought he could help them understand more and raise their grades. "Alright, class. Each row at a time will come up and see who their partners are. I will give you ten minutes each day at the beginning of class to work on the project, other than that, you have to use our own time."

Tyler was too focused on balancing the pencil to realize a girl with vibrant red hair was standing in front of her. "Uhm, Tyler?"

Tyler jumped from surprise and the pencil fell from his finger. he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember the girls name. She was the girl who skipped a grade this year, so Tyler never really talked to her. She held out her and, "my names Ashley. I'm your partner."

Tyler cracked a smile, shaking her hand, "hey."

Ashley placed a hand on the seat next to him, "may I sit here?"

Tyler nodded and sat up more straight, "ya, of course. Usually I'm put with the people who are below average, but your really smart, aren't you?"

Ashely shrugged, "I guess. I have an A- in this class, so sure."

Tyler smiled, "I like your hair, it's pretty."

Ashley let out a small laugh, "oh, thank you. My little sister has red hair too, she looks cuter though, because she's got the freckles."

Tyler chuckled, "nah, I bet you're just as pretty. What grade is your sister in?"

Ashely tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Abigail is a sixth grader. I have a brother, Jordan, he's an eighth grader."

Tyler grinned, "That's so cool. Are you the oldest?"

Ashely shook her head, "no, I have an older brother, he's twenty one."

Tyler nodded, "I'm the oldest of my family. I've got a younger sister and two brothers."

Ashley grinned, "oh, Zack is your brother, right?"

Tyler nodded, "yep, do you know him?"

Ashley nodded, "ya, I was in his grade last year. We hung out a lot."

"I didn't know that. So, we can probably work on the project tonight. I don't have anything going on."

Ashley nodded, "ok."

Tyler raised an eyebrow, "your house ok?" Ashely opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed, "you ok? It's ok if we can't do it at your house, I mean-"

Ashley quickly cut him off, "no no, it's ok. Ya, my house is good."

Tyler smiled politely, "wicked. Do you drive to school or do you want to ride with me?"

Ashley blushed, "uh, I usually ride the bus, so is it ok if I ride with you?"

Tyler let out a chuckle, "of course it's ok."

The bell rang and Tyler stood up, "I'll see you after school, Ashley." Ashley waved goodbye and Tyler made his way out of the room. Tyler searched the halls until he found Zack, "hey, Zack, I'm not going home right after school. I'm going to a friend house to work on a project. Ashley, you know her, right?"

Zack nodded, "oh, ya. We were friends last year."

Zack stepped closer, "heads up, try not to act surprised when you see their house, ok? It's a bit run down and their dad is a little...well, you'll see."

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed, "oh, ok."

Zack smiled, "just be nice to her about it, ok?"

Tyler nodded, "ya, ok. Tyler patted Zack's back and made his way to his next class.


Tyler waited by his car as he waited for Ashley. He was easily able to spot her red hair, smiling and waving her over. Ashely quickly jogged over to him wth a nervous smile. "Hey, Tyler. Thanks again for letting me ride with you."

Tyler shook his head as he opened the door for Ashley, "it's really noting. I know the bus sucks, I had to ride it one day."

Ashley tucked her hair behind her hair, a habit Tyler noticed she had. "So, uh, my house can be a little crazy sometimes and it's not like many other family. We do things that usually people would look weirdly at us for and I jut wanted-"

Tyler quickly cut her off, noting how she looked uncomfortable, "hey, Ashley, is fine. I don't really mind. If they're anything like you, then that's one good thing."

Ashely smiled widely, "t-thanks."

I'm going roller skating and I'm stooooked. Yesterday I went and saw Jumaji and nick Jonas Is👌👌👌. Loll anyway, hope you liked the chapterrrrr. Byeeeeeee.


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