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Chapter 16
Basketball jerseys
Tyler Joseph

Tyler sat on the bench along with his other teammates. They were in the locker room listening to their coach telling them he game plan. The game was going to start any minute and Tyler wouldn't admit it, but he was nervous.

They haven't beat this team in years and Tyler wasn't too sure about tonight either. Tyler and Brendon shared a nervous glance, and they both knew they were thinking the same thing. Typer glanced at the rest of the team, but not too many of them seemed to nervous.

Though they we're all probably freaking out on the inside. Their coach clapped his hands together and sighed, "alright, team. Hands in. I know we can beat them tonight. I want us all to try our hardest and don't back out. Got it?" The team all put their hands in. Their coach smile at Tyler, "alright, Ty, call out for us."

Tyler called them out and then they were all making there way to the court. When they walked out of locker room, their sides of the stands burst into cheers, drowning out any other sound form how loud they were.

Tyler's eyes scanned over the stands, looking to see who was here here. Basically everyone. He spotted Jenna with the rest of the cheerleaders and she waved to him excitedly. Tyler smiled at her, giving her a small wave. He continued to scan the bleachers.

Tyler smiled widely when Ashley and Jordan walked through the doors. Ashley was looking around, quickly catching Tyler's stare. She grinned and waved to him, Tyler waving back. Jordan gave him a small smile and Tyler returned it.

Tyler's smile dropped when josh followed the two into the gymnasium. Josh smirked at him and you could see him chuckling. Tyler rolled his eyes before going to the side lines. He couldn't stop glancing at josh, who was watching him.

Even as Tyler made his way out to the court, he couldn't stop glancing at josh, and he was for sure it was going to mess him up. Something about the way josh stared at Tyler made him frustrated. If he could, he'd slap josh at this very moment.

Throughout the whole game, Josh's eyes never left Tyler. Even when Tyler was out on he sideline, josh still watched him. Once in awhile he would glance at the other players. Every time Tyler would look back at him, Tyler's cheeks would be dusted with a tint of red. Luckily, his cheeks were already red from running around so much.

It was the fourth quarter and the two teams were tied. Both sides were going crazy, cheering their teams on and booing at all the stupid calls the refs made. Tyler was back in and it was their ball. Tyler glanced at the clock to see there was a little less than twenty seconds left.

The was enough time to make a shot, right?

Adrenaline ran through his blood and he tried his hardest not to look at josh. He couldn't let josh and his idiot, but adorable, face distract him from winning this game. The whole crowd was shouting the countdown as the play went out. With a skip of silence and a made layup, the Worthington crowd roared with winning cheers.

Tyler had the biggest smile on his face as his team all cheered. The shook hands with the other team before the cheerleaders ran onto the court. Jenna ran straight for Tyler, "Tyler you did it!"

Tyler picked her up by the waste and spun her around. After he set her down, he hugged her tightly. Jenna laughed as she hugged back, a faux face of disgust, "you're all sweaty!"

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