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Chapter 5
Please mama
Joshua Dun

Josh sat on the porch, a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth. He watched with bored eyes as his mothers car pulled into the drive way. He watched as his mother drunkenly got out of the car and walked up the steps. She let out a chuckle, swaying back and forth in front of josh, "well I'll be damned. What're you doin' here?"

Laura walked into the house and josh followed her in, making sure to stub out the cigarette. "Tonight was Abigail's first dance, did you know that?"

Laura sat down in one of the dining room chairs. She grabbed a half used cigarette from the ashtray and relit it, "it's a silly dance, why? Josh sat down across from her, taking out a new cigarette for himself. Laura laughed drunkenly, "y'look just like yer daddy with that cigarette in your hand. Maybe if you didn't dye your damn hair blonde.

Josh's jaw clenched, "Abigail really hoped you would show up before she left for the dance. She looked real pretty, y'know. I'm sure all the guys were starin' at her."

Laura ignored Josh and took a puff of her cigarette instead. The two sat in silent, soaking in the drug from the cigarettes. "Where is your daddy anyway?"

Josh sighed through his nose, "passed out on the couch. How's your boyfriend?"

Laura glared at josh, "now that ain't any of yer damn business, kid. I love your daddy and you know it."

Josh abruptly stood up, knocking the chair over. Laura only stared at him with no expression, not a hint of fear. She knew josh wouldn't hurt her. Josh shook his head, "I really wish I could hate you, mama."

Laura looked away and tapped her cigarette against the ashtray, "I know you do, now go get some sleep. It's too early in the morning for you to be awake."

Josh nodded muttering as he walked away, "night, mama."

Josh walked down the hall to Abigail's room. She was sitting up in her bed staring down at a flower. Josh quietly walked in, sitting next to his little sister. "Is that from the boy?"

Abigail nodded, "ya, it's really pretty."

Josh picked up the daisy and tucked it behind Abigail's ear, "damn, now it looks prettier.

Abigail blushed, "thank you for coming over tonight. I missed you."

Josh pulled Abigail into a hug, "I can't stay away from you, munchkin. You, Ashley, and Jordan are the only reasons I stay in this damned town. I don't need the government knocking down the door and taking you guys away from me.

Abigail frowned, "I thought you were going to take us into your custody when you turned eighteen."

Josh sighed, "I planned on it, but they wouldn't let me."

Abigail tilted her head, "how come?"

Josh chuckled, a smirk playing his lips, "cause I'm a drop out whose been arrested one too many times."

Abigail giggled, "stupid head."

Josh let out an amused laugh, his eyes squinting from how big he was smiling. Abigail's could always make him laugh. Josh sobered up and ran a hand through Abigail's hair, "but I won't stop trying, ok? Even if I have to kidnap you guys."

Abigail hugged josh tightly, closing her eyes and resting her cheek against shaky chest, "I'm ok with that. I'm sure Ashley and Jordan would be ok with that too."

"Ash is a little pissed with me right now."

Abigail opened her eyes to look at josh again, "why?"

Josh shrugged, "because she thinks I've given up on you guys."

Abigail frowned, "h-have you?"

Josh scowled, "hell no, and don't ever think that. You understand me? I won't give up on you guys even after I die. I'll  come haunt you guys just to keep an eye on you."

Abigail smiled widely, "good. Because your my big brother."

Josh set Abigail back on the bed nod kissed her forehead, "sleep, kid. You have school tomorrow."

Abigail nodded, "ok...is Laura home?"

Josh but his lip and nodded, "ya. Laura's homes. But, sugar, Laura is your mom. You can call her mom."

Abigail shrugged, "Ashley calls her Laura."

Josh chuckled, "that's beaus Ash is a piece of stubborn shit."

Abigail giggled, "oh, can I call her that?"

Josh grinned, "no, only I get to call her that. She'll beat your ass if you do."

Abigail nodded, "Is that why you get to call her bîtch too?"

Josh nodded, "yep, but don't go around saying that word."

Abigail closed her eyes and sighed, "night, josh."

Josh turned her lamp off, "night, cutie."

Josh carefully closed the door. Ashley was leaning against the wall, "y'know, your the real piece of stubborn shit."

Josh chuckled, "whatever, at least I'm not a bitch...you bitch."

Ashley cracked a smile, "sure, and I wouldn't beat Abigail's ass."

Josh pushed Ashely, "yes you would, ash. You're a cold ass bitch."

Ashley let out a laugh, pushing josh back, "quit calling me that, asshole."

Ashely squeaked in surprise when josh pulled her into a hug.  She hugged back immediately, squeezing her eyes shut to hold back the tears forming. "I would never give up on you guys, Ashley, and you know it too."

Ashley took in a shaky breath, "I know. But I'm still pissed at you."

Josh nodded, rocking the two side to side, "I know. I'll make it up to you, though. You know that too."

My art struggles:

-I draw, I can draw, I want to draw
-*pulls out pencil and a piece of paper*
-what should I draw
-*cue intense sweating*
-*flips table*
*runs away screaming*


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