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Chapter 15
Cheater, cheater
Lana Del Rey

Lana walked down the stairs and into the living room. Her step-dad was sitting on the couch with a joint between his lips. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "where's Mom?"

"Out," he muttered, barely acknowledging her.

Lana scoffed, "wow, I'm surprised you don't have one of your whores over then."

Her step-dad turned to look at Lana this time, "what I do with my life is my business. Not yours or your mothers. And please, it's not like you're any different from them, slut."

Lana felt tears forming in her eyes and she glared at the man, "at least I don't go after taken men. And I would never cheat."

Her step-father stood up and marched over to Lana, "stop being such a baby. If you really don't like me, then why don't you just go tell your mom about all my 'whores'."

Lana scoffed, wiping away her tears, "because she'd never believe me."

The man smirked, "exactly. Now go to your room, your pissing me off."

Lana gave the man one last glare before stomping back up the stairs. She absolutely hated her step-dad. He was a pig and a cheater. Although Lana hated her mother just as much, her mother still deserved better.

The only reason Lana's mother married the disgusting man was for money. That's how it always was. This was her fifth husband and aevery man she did marry was rich and a cheater. It's almost like her mother enjoyed the heartbreak. Sometimes, Lana feels like that's where she gets it from, only she's the heartbreaker. She knew if her dad was still around, he would b so disappointed.

In Lana's opinion, her dad was the best you could get. her dad left when she was only ten, but she knew it wasn't his fault. It was her mothers. She had pushed him away and she would cheat on him constantly. If Lana was her father, she would've done the same exact thing. It's not like her dad completely forgot about her. She still got a letter from him once in a while and Lana cherished those letters. Her plan was to find we da once she graduated, to finally get away from the hell hole she was constantly being sucked into.

Lana closed her eyes, just as her phone rang from a text message. She let out a groan and opened her eyes, grabbing her phone with a huff.

Whore: lana did you get the groceries like I told you to?

Lana: no why can't you just get your sugar daddy to do it

Whore: watch it, do it before I get home or your in big trouble.

Lana rolled her eyes in annoyance. She pulled on her heals before making her way downstairs. "I'm going out," Lana called out to her step dad. Lana waited for a response, scoffing when she didn't get one. "By the way, I'm a fucking prostitute."

Lana heard a laugh, "nothing new there."

Lana let out another scoff, "asshole!"

She slammed the door behind her and angrily walked down the sidewalk. "Bastard," she muttered under her breath. "I would never do shit for money."

Lana payed attention to the concrete sidewalk, not resale minding what was going on around her. She ended up bumping into someone, gasping in surprise. "Watch it!"

She glared at the taller male who smirked down at her, "me? Darling, maybe you should pay attention to something other than the ground."

Lana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "if you were paying attention, you wouldn't have ran into me."

the male let out a laugh "are you always this flattering to people you meet?"

Lana smiled sarcastically, "not always, consider yourself lucky."

The toe-head boy grinned, "I'll keep that in mind. So, can I get a name to match a pretty face?"

Lana raised an eyebrow, "are you flirting with me?"

"Sorry, sweetheart, you're not my type."

Lana chuckled, because she found that hard to believe. She was everyone's type. "Then what is your type."

The taller of the two smirked, "a nice piece of man ass."

Lana's eyes widened and she smiled, "oh my god, your gay!"

The man chuckled in amusement, "well obviously. So, can I get that name now?"

Lana held out her hand, "Lana, pleased to meet you."

The male shook her hand, "Joshua. The pleasure is all mine. So, Lana, why are you all by yourself in the late evening. I don't think that's very safe."

Lana shrugged, "my stupid mother. She wants me to get the groceries when she has a perfectly capable husband who can do it."

Josh nodded, "ah, I see. Well, we better get going, don't want your mother waiting."

Lana tilted her head, "what makes you think I want you coming with me? You could be a rapist, or a killer."

Josh grinned, "but I'm not."

Lana narrowed her eyes as the two walked together, "you could be lying."

Josh glanced at Lana, his smile growing, "but I'm not."

Lana shrugged her shoulders, "then I guess your not. But if you kill me, I'll fucking haunt you."

Josh nodded, "noted."

Lana cleared her threat awkwardly as the two grew silent, "sooo, Joshua, do you take it up the ass, or do you put it up the ass?"

Josh laughed from the so obvious question, "do I look like a bottom to you, darling?"

Lana let her eyes scan josh before shrugging, "guess not. Whose your boyfriend? Maybe I know him."

Josh glanced at the smaller girl, "don't have one."

Lana scoffed, "impossible. You're a complete hottie, now come on. Who's your boyfriend."

Josh grinned, "like I said, I don't have one. I don't like commitment."

Lana gasped, "same!"

Josh couldn't help but laugh, "so I'm guessing you don't have a boyfriend either."

Lana winked at him in a playful way, "correct."

Josh nodded his head, smiling down at her, "I feel like we'll get along quiet we'll." Lana smiled, because she knew that was true.

Hello, I'm alive. *says the girl who got buried 6ft under in her own homework.* haha I love my life🙃


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