Going on

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Alexia woke up to the smell of a man's cologne. She groaned as the smell wrapped around her body, she desperately needed Grey's touch.

She pushed her nose into the pillow and inhaled his scent, she chuckled at the though of her actions.

How could a man bewitched her in such a short time. She sat up and looked around the room, hoping to see any sigh of Grey but there was none.

With a deep sigh she got up out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror, the feeling of dread and self conscientiousness overwhelmed her mind.

She pulled up the shirt that was covering her body and felt the stretch marks on her skin, they were smooth but in her mind it was rough and unsightly.

What would a man think of her body that was covered in stretch marks?

Most importantly what would Grey think?

How would he react to her imperfect skin

Alexia glanced down at the tattoo that adorned her lower abdomin. A black and purple half wilting flower, this represented her self distructive mind. It was a symbol of her imperfection

She remember getting it at the age of 20, it was a spur of the moment and never has she regretted it. Lately She's been thinking of getting another tattoo, a simple vine with thorns around her arm

The vibration of her phone brought her mind back to reality. She walked over to her phone in hopes of seeing Grey's name but it was Mark

"How did you sleep?" a smirk crawled onto her face

"I slept well but not good enough knowing that Grey is lost" Mark chuckled

"He's a big boy, the only thing I'm really worried about is his mental health" Alexia though back to Grey's fidgety behavior

"Do you think anything bad will happen to him?" Mark sighed

"We just need to find him as soon as possible. I'll be there to pick you up in a while, I'll also bring breakfast" Alexia hung up the phone with Grey on her mind, where could he have disappeared to

She took a hot shower to help ease her mind. She wrapped herself in a towel that smelled like Grey. Everything in this place smelt like him, to her it felt warm and loving.

She then remembered she has no clothes to wear, she quickly texted Hayden to bring her some clothes and underwear, he responded with ok

She sat on the bed in Grey's towel. She laid back and spread across the bed, she wanted to feel his hands roam her body as she laid their. Her mind become infected with images of Grey.

Her heart sped up, she shot up and sighed. Was she really ready to dive into a relationship with someone so broken?

Every part of her body scream for the feeling of his calloused hands over her virgin flesh.

Her constantly pushing away the thoughts of sex were becoming part of the past. Her virginity was the only pure thing about her, being near Grey made her feel hot and wild. Never had she ever felt such a strong desire for someone, lust consumed her

A knock at the door extinguished her fire, she threw on a shirt of Grey's and a pair of his boxers. With a long sniff of his shirt she went downstairs

She opened the door to see Hayden, her heart broke a bit since it wasn't Grey.

"Who'd you sleep with?" Alexia frowned and grabbed the bag from Hayden's hand.

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