You're Here

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Grey left Sarina at the restaurant after she suggested calling Alexia. He found himself at a nearby motel

He dropped himself onto the bed, he could only stay there for two nights. He didn't have enough cash on to pay for it and he still had to feed himself.

He stripped off his clothing and flung them across the room.

What was he doing?, one way or another he'd have to go back to his uncle or Mark would find him.

This is what he always did, run away. He didn't have the heart to face the truth no matter who was by his side.

He made himself into a mess because he was afraid of facing the truth, it was all his fault. His mind slowly drifted into oblivion as his eyes shut closed.

Hayden had just come back from visiting his mother in Brighton, he stopped at a small cafe to get some breakfast

He hadn't heard from Alexia since yesterday when he brought clothes for her. What kind of gay best friends falls for his female best friend, he took a sip of his coffee.

He chuckled at the thought, Alexia was the reason he got into coffee. He hated it's bitter taste but now he drank it every other day.

Hayden stared at the waitress, there was no attraction there but she was not very attractive to begin with, she was plain.

He turned his attention to the window, he squinted at the sight of a very attractive man. His fingers worked like a sped acroos hia phone screen as he recognized who it was.

Grey rubbed his eyes as he went back to the cafe for breakfast, he was half asleep. His dreams were filled with the monsters he hid from so sleep was no longer beautiful

The waitress from yesterday smiled at him but his scowl never left his face

"Finn!" Grey groan as he faced the owner of the voice

Grey couldn't be bothered right now but the face of the person looked familiar he just couldn't pinpoint where he had seen that man before.

"Do I know you?" Hayden chuckled awkwardly

"I'm Alexia's best friend" the memory of Hayden on the plane drifted into his mind

"You can sit with me if you'd like" With a sigh Finn sat opposite him

Grey analyzed the man in front of him. He was a bit above average, his dirty blonde hair was done neatly, skin was flawless, his eyes were a piercing auburn.

"Why are you here?" Grey glared at Hayden, he didn't take him as someone he'd get along with

"Because I can" Hayden raised a brow, how could Alexia like someone as harsh as him?

He immediately regretted sending Alexia that text, to make matters worse she responded saying that she was coming and of course he made a to promise stall him as long as he could

"Alexia and your uncle are looking for you" Grey was becoming more and more irritated with Hayden. He was stating the obvious to him, and he didn't want to face it.

"You're back" the sour taste that was in Grey's mouth intensified at the voice of the waitress

"I see you've made a new-"

"Black coffee and a ham bagel" Grey's voice was stern and emotionless, his eyes never left Hayden's own.

"I'll have another coffee and a chicken sandwich, thank you" the waitress took his cup with a smile

"So what brought you to England" Grey turned his head for a moment and shook his head

"What's your major kid?" Hayden was taken back

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