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When they all sat at the table, Toriel cut the pie into slices. After she finished she looked at me and smiled "Do you want a piece Y/n?" I would have said yes but then I would feel selfish and I don't want to give Toriel more work to do even if it is something small. "No thanks, you guys can have it" When I said this she frowned and started eating with the others. I decided it was about time I left but when I got up I felt a boney hand on my shoulder. "Hey kid why don't you stay here for tonight? It isn't safe for someone to be walking around at night." I looked at him and I noticed he had a serious look on his face. "I will be fine I have walked home at night before and anyways I live right next door." when I said this sans look grew even more serious. "Don't lie like that kid I know you haven't been going to your house for the past few months so don't try and say you will be going there." When he said this Toriel's face changed to a worried look. If it was someone else saying it or if he had said it a little nicer I would have decided to stay but because of the experience I have had with him this pissed me off. "You can mind your own business Sans I will leave if I want to." Without noticing it my eye started glowing and my contacts burned off. I stormed off before he could say anything else and before I knew it I was running to the little camp I called my temporary house.

When I got there I noticed a figure standing there smoking a cigar. "Hey kid don't try running away I got this place surrounded." When he said this I got worried and looked at him "W-what do you want" At the end of my sentence he smiled "I want you kid...........your coming with us." After that I felt a bag go over my head and I was dragged off somewhere. After a bit of them walking I heard a car door open. "Put him in the trunk............boss' orders she doesn't want the new seats to get dirty." After the person said this I was thrown into the trunk and they took off.

After about an hour the car stopped and I was dragged into a building and taken into a room. They removed the bag from my head and I saw I was in a marble room lightly decorated and a table with two chairs, one on each end. "Take a seat the boss will see you as soon as she can." when he said this I sat down in one of the chairs. When I rested my arms on the arm rests I got cuffed to the chair. "what the h-" before I could finish my sentence a group of people walked in. they looked like papyrus, sans, and frisk if they joined a mafia. "I'm sorry we have to be so rough but this is the way we have to do this." When the person spoke it sounded as if they were emotionless. "We want you to join our mafia kid and well we aren't going to take no as an answer." Just then they pulled out guns and knives and looked at me. "If you say no we are going to result to soul damage so be wise and just agree with it. "no I will never join someone like you" When I said this the sans look-a-like got in my face. "Wrong answer kid" he ripped out my soul and his smile grew wider. "I am going to enjoy this more than you think" then he took one of the knives and stabbed my soul. "Now kid, you are going to join us NOW!" when he stabbed my soul, I felt a sharp pain all over my body. "n-no I will never joi-" before I could say anything else he took his gun a hit my soul as hard as he could cracking it down the middle. "Like I said we wont take no as an answer" I nodded no and then he hit my soul again "Don't be stubborn kid I might kill you if you don't stop this right now." then the frisk look-a-like put a hand on his shoulder. Just get rid of them if we hit them one more time they will die" when she said this his smile got smaller "Yes boss"

They bagged me again and dragged me back to the car. eventually they stopped and dragged me out of the car again. then they pulled the bag off and tied my hands and feet together. "ok kid any last words" unable to speak I just nodded no and then he smiled even more. "ok then say goodbye to your life" then he pushed me and that moment I knew where we were, the bridge above the river. I fell into the water and sank to the bottom of the river. At that moment I realized I was going to die, but something about that gave me some relief. I was finally going to die but it felt pathetic how no one would know I was dying, no one would come try to save me, and most importantly no one would care. then I closed my eyes ready for the unavoidable.

(Cancelled) You're not like the others [Female Chara X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now