Painful Trips down Memory Lane

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Chara's POV

'If this is Y/n's old house then why does it feel so familiar. Why do I feel like something bad happened here. Am I just being paranoid.' suddenly I felt my cheek stinging. "snap out of it Chara" "frisk did you just slap me" "you weren't responding and we've been waiting for 10 minutes" "wh-what" When I looked at the time it was already 10:00. "sorry for spacing out" "sorry for slapping you". After that we went towards the last door there....the only door that didn't look old. When we opened it we saw a clean room with a bunch of different things all over the place. but one thing really stood out to me. It was a box that had a soul drawn on it, one side of it was black and grey while the other one was colorful. Looking at the box triggered something in my mind and suddenly a memory flashed into my mind.

^^flashback time^^'

I was waiting on a tree humming a tune that I came up with when Y/n came into view holding a box. "Chara, I found something that we can use to keep our stuff in when we cant hold onto it." "what is it Y/n" he held out a white box. "and don't forget" he reached into his bag and pulled out paint brushes and a bunch of different colors of paint. "we can decorate it ourselves with this paint so it will be out very own unique storage place." he set the things down and smiled "so what do you want to put in it." "how about we put all the most valuable things in here so it can be our box of memories when we grow up."

We started decorating it as soon as we decided what to put in it and where we would put it. I colored my with multiple colors while he just put dark colors on his side. After we painted it and put anything else on it we set it on a tree branch to dry. Then we left to go and play a game in the forest.

^^end flash back^^

I opened the box to see somethings inside it. On the side that was for me there was a necklace, a pocket knife, and a box of chocolate. On the side that was for Y/n there was a bunch of different things from all the things we used to do. Each on filled my mind with memories from my childhood. (A/n: and because I'm lazy I'm not going through all the items and I'm not typing up any more flash backs for this chapter) After looking through each one I realized the tears that formed in my eyes and I wiped them away. I grabbed the necklace and opened the locket thing on the end to see a picture of a younger version of Y/n and a blurry photo of me that. I put the necklace in my pocket and did the same with the pocket knife. I decided to leave the chocolate and put the box back in its original position. Finally we left the room and decided to go home but we forgot about one thing................Y/n was still there. By the time Toriel noticed we were already back in town and the drive back would take a while. Frisk and Asriel were barely awake so we decided to go home and Sans would go back using one of his "shortcuts".

Y/n's POV

I was sitting on the roof of my old house watching the stars when I noticed that all the other kid had joined me as well as Cross. We all just stared at the stars and eventually they all stated leaving until it was just me alone. I smiled staring at the stars that reminded me of something that happened a long time ago. I decided to ignore the feeling and stared back down towards the earth to see Sans staring at me from the ground. "how did you get up there" "that's not important" I jumped down and landed in front of him. "well what do you want shouldn't you be back at home reading Papyrus a story" "naw I had to come back here to pick you up and take you home." "don't worry about me I have my own shortcuts and I have walked from here to town a lot so I am very sure I would be fine just walking" "sorry kid but your gonna have to come with me just in case" suddenly we appeared in front of my place. "so your teleportation uses your blue magic........interesting.....anyways thank you I should go home now I am aware of how much energy that that takes up." "heh no problem kid" he disappeared and I went back inside and went to bed.

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