A new problem

275 11 4

Y/n's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing my doorbell ring. I got up and went to check who was at my door this early in the morning and saw the lady who works at the front desk of the city hall. I opened the door and she greeted me with her usual routine of introduction, handing out a card, showing her card proving who she is, and asking if she could come in. I let her in and walked over to the living room having her follow me. She sat down on a chair near a table so I sat on the other side of the table ready for whatever she was going to say......or was I. "Y/n L/n because we have had you put off of adoption for more than a year we decided to put you back on and it turns out the you were adopted the day after we put you back on. Luck for you the person who adopted you has agreed to move to your area of residence and you wont have to move to another location or school. your new mom will be arriving this morning hopefully before you leave to school. She tried to buy out your area of residence to find that you have already purchased it under your name, is that correct?" I was still taking in all the things she had said and trying to resist the urge to strangle her for doing that so I just nodded. "when she arrives she might try to take the ownership of the household" "well I will keep that from happening" "excuse me but she is now your legal guardian she can take ownership of the household if she wants to" "actually according to law anything I previously owned before being adopted cannot be taken from me if I earned it by paying for it with money that I earned through legally working if she does try to take it by force I have the law to back me up and I can take her down in a court of law" "a-alright on to the other things.......your new guardian is named Linda she is currently a member of Ebott High school's PTA. She has a child named Clairance who is your age. Here are the documents you are allowed to look at about them" She gave me the documents but I didn't need to look at them to know who Linda is. I have had some run ins with her before such as her complaining that I hang out with monsters and the Dreemurr family. She is very racist toward most people and absolutely hates monsters. "well I have covered all I need to cover I will leave you to your business have a good day" After that she left and I had to prepare a few things for the new people that will be moving in.

I didn't get anymore sleep due to having to set up rooms for the people coming and I couldn't go back to sleep because if I did I wouldn't be able to wake up in time to get to school. At 6:30 I saw a car pull up to my parking lot and then another one with a trailer behind it. I stood waiting for them to come to the door and when they finally got there I opened it before they could knock and I got to see the not so welcoming face of my new legal guardian Linda. After a rude remark she walked in and took a look around. then after a few minutes she spoke up "hand it over" "hand what over" "hand over the deed for this place I am your new guardian after all." As soon as she said that I started laughing "sorry but this property legally belongs to me, it is signed under my name and was bought with the money that I earned by working under contract" then she did something unexpected......she slapped me. "I am your legal guardian what ever you own belongs to me until you are out of my care" "actually I did the research and anything I purchased during the time I wasn't under your care with money that I earned belongs to me unless you go find each person who I worked with to get this money and get their signatures saying that you can have the item or thing that belongs to me, also next time you injure someone without being it being self-defense you might not want to do it in front of a camera." I pointed at a camera that Gaster had installed earlier this year and smiled. "so unless you want to go to court against me who currently has plenty evidence to send you to jail for at least 3 to 10 years you should listen to me because this is my home and so you listen to my rules"

(Cancelled) You're not like the others [Female Chara X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now