Grillby's and The Lab

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Y/n's POV

After leaving the school, I walked home, changed into my uniform and headed to Grillby's. When I got there I saw Amber was in her work uniform and she was working hard. I walked over to Grillby and tapped on the counter letting him know I was starting my shift. I started taking people's orders and cooking food and sometimes having to deal with some drunk people. After a while Amber's shift was over, leaving me with even more work. I worked as fast as I could and eventually more of the employees showed up and my work load got smaller. Fifteen minutes until the end of my shift and something that I wished never would happen, happened.........Linda walked in and since every monster knew her, all the monsters stayed away from her. Also all of the other people working were monsters so I was the only one who didn't have a reason to want to stay away from her. I walked over to her table and put on the most bullshit smile I could, "Welcome Madam. What would you like to order today?" saying those words made me mentally cringe because I said them to her. "Ah yes I would like a-" she stopped talking as soon as she looked at me and suddenly she looked angry. "Why the hell are you working here with those monsters?!" "I am because I can, Linda. And why the hell are you coming in here and deciding to interrupt my work with your foul words?" "I can say what I want to you anywhere." "Actually you are in a business area. You can either order or get out of here before we charge you with loitering, disrupting a business environment, and slandering a respectable area due to the people in it." Now she was fuming. If you looked closely you could see the heat coming out of her ears and the veins in her neck. Suddenly she slammed her fists on the table breaking a part of it. "I guess we can now add property damage to get out of here before I call the cops over here and make this a bigger problem then it needs to be." After that, Linda left and I looked over at Grillby to see him absolutely pissed. He was going to say something but I spoke up first. "Don't worry boss. I will fix the table now and if you want you can take money off of my monthly check to pay for anything else." After saying that Grillby calmed down a little so I grabbed the table and took it outside to fix it. As soon as I repaired the table I went back inside and put the table back on its spot and got back to work. Due to the run in with Linda, I decided to work a little overtime to make sure I could pay for anything Grillby wanted to take off my paycheck.

After a bit Sans walked in with Chara, Frisk, and Asriel and they sat down at a table. I walked over to the table and took their orders. When I got them their food they looked up to thank me and only then did they notice who I was. "Y/n what are you doing here I didn't think you worked this late." "I don't usually I am just taking some overtime hours due to a small accident." "Why don't you take a break and talk to us for a bit?" "Sorry I already used my break earlier so I could fix something.Maybe next time." After that I got back to work and they stayed there for a long time ordering food ever 20 minutes. Eventually the place started clearing out and the only people left were Sans' group and the dogs that are usually there playing cards. Grillby let me take a break since there weren't many customers. I walked over to the table they were at and sighed. "Well I got a break now.....what do you want to talk about?" Sans sighed and looked at me "So kid I want to ask you something I never really got an answer for a long time ago....what is your connection with Gaster" "I said this before Sans. I helped Gaster out of the void and he helped me get a new house....also I have been his lab assistant for a year now." "Ok now I am going to hand over the questioning to Frisk..." I looked over at Frisk to see her smiling. "So what is your connection to that girl Clairance." "She is the daughter of Linda and Linda adopted me recently so she is now my sister." Frisk smiled even more "So do you still like Chara?" When she said that, Chara glared at her. "Well yeah I still do, no one has changed that for me and no one will." When I said that Chara blushed and then looked away. Then Grillby told us all we had to leave because it was closing time. We all left and then headed home. I teleported and then saw Linda pull up to the house. When she parked, she and Clairance got out and looked at me "How did you get here before us? I took the shortest route after picking up Clairance." "There is this thing called running and it turns out I am really good at it Linda." "Don't be sarcastic around me boy." "Yeah yea whatever you say Linda....anyways I'm going downstairs don't come down unless the house is on fire or Clairance is in trouble, Linda.....and Clairance feel free to come down if Linda is bothering you" ".......Okay" "Don't walk away when I am talking to you" I ignored her and went downstairs to the lab. When I got there, Gaster was working on the project, the universe was created but now it needed to be prepared.

We opened the portal using my magic but just before we went through it, Clairance came running in and hid behind me. "Um are you ok Clairance?" "No...Linda got really mad and started throwing things at me and now she's coming down here.....please hide me." I sighed and looked over at Gaster who nodded at me. "Okay Clairance I want you to go through that portal right there with Gaster, I will deal with Linda" "Ok" They both went through the portal and then I shut the portal so Linda didn't see it. As soon as I did close it, Linda busted through the door screaming "Where is that little brat?! I know you are hiding her!" She started knocking stuff over and moving things. Some things she threw to the ground, breaking. "Calm down Linda I don't want to clean up the entire lab because of you." "SHUT UP AND TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!!" I got tired of her screaming so I used my magic and put her to sleep. Then I teleported her to her room and then cleaned up the lab. When I finished, I opened the portal again and went inside to see Clairance looking scared, holding onto Gaster. "You're okay now Clairance...Linda went to sleep." "Thank you.....but Y/n, can you call me either sis or Clair please? I don't like being called Clairance by the people who I like." "Alright Clair."

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