Game Over?

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Y/n's POV

I looked at all of them fighting and noticed that they didn't knew we were there so I walked behind all of them and snagged the remote. Then I walked back over to Frisk and watched as they didn't realize it was gone until Asgore fell off the couch and looked at me to see that I had the remote. Eventually all of them noticed that I had it and I felt like I was a rabbit surrounded by wolves until an idea hit me I took the batteries out from behind it so they wouldn't know and tossed it to the middle of the floor and then they all dove after it. Finally Chara got the remote and tried to press a button on it to see it not working. Then she started smashing the buttons and Frisk looked at me to see I was spinning the batteries on my thumb. "Did you take the batteries out of the remote just for them to fight over nothing?" "No It wasn't for nothing, it was for entertainment." Frisk punched my arm glaring "That's mean Y/n." "I know but it was funny." Chara hearing the conversation as well as everyone else turned to me glaring then I tossed the batteries to Chara. "Have fun I will just watch you all fight like wolves going after a rabbit." Asgore left the room not wanting to get too angry, Sans was called by Toriel so he had to leave to deal with something, and Papyrus and Undyne left to go cook something for Alyphys. Leaving just Me, Frisk, Asriel, and Chara in the room they all left to go get their stuff done. Chara already having the remote started up a game and was playing it while everyone else watched. After a while of Chara refusing to give up the remote and continuously playing the game, Frisk went and got some more remotes so we could all play together.

When we got the remotes we all started up a game of Mario Cart. Chara chose Bowser, Frisk chose Mario, Asriel chose Yoshi, and I chose (Favorite character). We all had to ride in the default car so it was 'fair' and then the hour of Chara choosing difficult maps and knocking people off the edge began. When we were finished they (Asriel and Frisk) decided that we all should go on a late night walk. Dragging me and Chara out of the house then making us follow them around Asriel and Frisk looked like they were planning something. Eventually we came to a park and headed to a forest trail near it. After some more walking we came to a hill covered in flowers of all types even some echo flowers. We all walked up the hill and I looked over at Frisk and Asriel to see them smiling about something. When we got to the top, Frisk and Asriel said that we all should play a game of tag and even though Chara hated the idea I wasn't completely for or against it so they forced us to play. After deciding that Frisk would start as it we all ran in different directions until I noticed something Asriel was coming towards me and Frisk was chasing Chara towards me. When Chara was a few feet away Asriel and Frisk pushed us towards each other making us kiss. Chara's face turned red and I was just confused and then I started getting pissed as well as Chara. We both turned to glare at the two and the started running. Chara got off of me and chased after Frisk and I teleported in front of Asriel and grabbed him. Chara got Frisk and we both looked at each other getting the same Idea. We shoved the two into each other making them kiss as well. "How do you like that you jerks?!" "Calm down Chara." "No they shoved us into each other they deserve to have a taste of their own medicine!" Frisk and Asriel pulled away from each other blushing until they heard me and Chara talking. "So what if they shoved us into each other?" "Yeah Chara don't act like you didn't like it." Chara turned towards Asriel making him regret his words.

*small time skip*

After finishing the fight, we all started heading back to the house. When we got to the park we saw someone standing there holding something in their hand. The man looked at us and I sensed a bad feeling coming from him. He started walking towards us and I took in some more things about him. The man was wearing a suit with holes in it and it also had a lot of stains that looked like alcohol. He wore shoes that had a red liquid dripping off of them and black pants also dripping the liquid. I looked at the thing in his hand finally able to tell what it was.......a gun. Then all of the things clicked together the red liquid was blood and the man was clearly drunk. "!" "Why Y/n?" "That guy has a gun." "So? Is it wrong to have a gun?" He has blood on him." the guy started picking up speed eventually running at us. "RUN!!" we all started running as Chara was trying to get something out of her bag. She got the thing out and I realized that it was a knife she was holding. I looked back at the man to see how close he was to us to see him pointing the gun. In a moment I knocked everyone down and heard a loud bang as I looked down to see the health bar again Y/n HP 0/20 Lv. 1 Then my vision started to blur as I watched Chara take down the guy and Frisk and Asriel run over to me. Frisk pulled out her phone and called someone and Asriel tried to stop the bleeding. For some reason tears started forming in my eyes as I watched people I know come to me as my vision faded. Frisk, Asriel, Chara, Undyne, Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, MK, Asgore, Clair, even Linda and B/n where there. Slowly running out of breath the other part of me decided to say something to all of them since I couldn't "I hate I'm just going to say......see you all.....later..." My vision faded and I couldn't see, hear, feel, taste, or smell anything at all then I saw something happen. the colors red, dark blue, light blue, yellow, purple, green, orange, black, white, silver, gold, pink, and grey came into the blackness and erased everything in my mind memories, feelings, hopes, traits, and power all left and then I saw a screen with the words GAME OVER? in front of me and then everything disappeared......into a flash of yellow and then white.

(Cancelled) You're not like the others [Female Chara X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now