Christmas time

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The days past quickly and eventually it was Christmas Eve but the blizzard was still going on. I decided to give the Gifts to Toriel so she could wrap them for everyone so I grabbed all of the things I bought and went out. When I was halfway to town I was surrounded by a pack of wolves but because of the snow I wasn't fast enough to avoid them. The wolves attacked me clawing and biting at me. I couldn't dodge many of their attacks and ended up getting seriously hurt. soon I felt the same feeling from earlier wash over me. When I looked down I saw the bar again LV ?? HP ??, I attacked the wolves killing them all and then the feeling disappeared and the bar said LV 1 HP 1/20. I started limping towards town leaving a trail of blood behind me. When I got to town I went straight to the Dreemurrs house and when I got near it I felt myself slowly losing consciousness. I collapsed before I could make it to the door and eventually I fell unconscious but only after seeing someone open the door.

^^time skip^^

I woke up smelling butterscotch and cinnamon and then I saw Toriel standing their. After a while she noticed I was awake and walks over to me. "child are you ok Sans found you outside covered in blood" when she said this I sat up and started looking around "child if you are looking for the bag you have it is right over their on the table" After that I calmed down and looked at Toriel "I am ok I just ran into some wolves on my way to town" Toriel looked at me as if I was a mad man so I told her what happened exactly. When I finished I grabbed the bag and handed it to Toriel, i told her what I wanted her to do with the things inside and then i started to leave only for her to stop m at the door. "Y/n i cant allow you to leave while their is such a big storm outside" "Toriel i have to get to work I cant waste any more time." She was going to say something but I pushed past her and walked away.

When i made it to Grillby's I noticed it wasn't as packed as earlier and some people where packing their things. I asked grillby why people are leaving and he told me that he had to close the bar completely for Christmas so people had to leave. After that I got to work and started taking peoples orders and bringing their food. When it was time for my break Grillby offered me a cup of hot chocolate and i accepted it. About 3 minutes into my break sans walked in with Chara behind him instead of Frisk. I finished off my hot chocolate and decided to get back to work. I took their order and got them their food but when i went to leave i felt a hand on my shoulder. "hey kiddo why don't you sit with us and have a little chat." "sorry Sans my break just ended" "come on kid ask Grillbz for another break" "I cant you are going to have to wait until I take the orders of the other people who are waiting for food" "fine kid but hurry up i have a few BONES to pike with you" I ignored his bad pun and took the orders of the other people waiting.

When I finished Grillby told me to take a break so sans took the opportunity and dragged me over to his table. Then he stated asking me questions and even Chara seemed interested in my answers. Then Sans asked a question that no one had asked me before "what is that necklace your wearing for". I took out the necklace and opened the locket on it showing him the blurry picture in it. "i don't remember much about it but i do know it was given to me by someone i used to like before they went missing.........................because the picture is blurry the only thing i can see about them is that they had red eyes" "oh sorry about asking" "its ok it doesn't make me sad at doesn't make me feel anything at all to be honest." I put it away and then looked at Sans "ok now i know you are planning something Sans" "what ever could you mean" "i know you wouldn't call me over here for nothing what are you planning" "well then you don't know me much at all" "fine Sans if you were planning something then you got to pay your tab" "ok I'm fine with that" then I felt someone pull on my uniform. I looked and saw Chara with something In her hand. Then I felt something get put over my mouth and I fell unconscious.

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