Dimension project 'Alpha'

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Y/n's POV

        After the thing with Linda, Clair decided to stay with me and watch me and Gaster set up the universe. The idea we had for this place was based off of one thing from a legend that is passed down from the royal scientist. A story about a child named Frisk who played around with the timelines and eventually lost connection with their timeline but gained access to other timelines. Due to this ability, they were able to find a place called the "Omega timeline" that anyone from any timeline could access just by thinking about it and walking though any door. Gaster decided if he took advantage of my ability to travel across the timelines and multiverse and created enough energy to make a blank universe, then he could make that universe open to all people across the Multiverse. He liked the idea because there was only one consequence and it is that I would lose a fragment of my soul making me weaker then I normally am. Even if it did seem selfish for him to ask that, I complied already knowing the struggles people go through in other universes knowing many people from Au like 'Reapertale' and 'Underfell'. Gaster and I had just finished building some things for the universe and we even started giving the place life. When we finished the things we needed to make, we had to do one last thing and that was make someone who can watch over this universe so I created someone who looked like me but my complete opposite color scheme. I gave him some powers and explained his purpose to the point where it was basically drilled into his mind. When I finished, I opened the portal back to my universe and Gaster and Clair went through it but instead of going with them I closed the portal...

        After I closed the portal I sensed someone appear. "You know Y/n, you aren't really supposed to mess with the multiverse." "Yeah Ink, but I have to do something to keep myself from being bored, and if this works, this universe can be a sanctuary for anyone needing a break from their universe." "I understand what you're saying but the cost of this could cause a shift in your universes timeline." "I know that Ink but it is worth it." The argument went on for a bit longer until Ink gave up and left after noticing that Error was destroying another universe. When he left another person appeared behind me and I turned around to see a grey version of Frisk with black empty eye sockets. The grey frisk spoke in an echoing voice that was sounded emotionless and lonely. "So your one of the people who created this universe based off of the omega timeline?" "Yeah and judging by that statement I'm guessing you're the one known as 'Core Frisk'. " "Indeed..........I have a question for you. Why are you willing to give up a part of yourself just for people to have a safe place to stay." "Because I never had one when I was younger so I always had to run. I don't want others to always run from their problems like I had to." "Interesting answer....Well I must go I will see you later..." Core Frisk stood there trying to think of my name so I stuck out my hand for them to shake "Y/n. my name is Y/n,  ok core Frisk?" they shook my hand. "Just Frisk unless you refer to me to others to avoid confusion." "Alright see you." "Bye" They left leaving just me and the guardian I created alone in the universe. I opened a portal after I was tired of the silence and left going back to my universe to see Clair and Gaster waiting for me. "What took so long Y/n?" "Just had to talk with some people who appeared." "Okay don't do that again Clair was getting worried that you wouldn't come back." "Alright I will try not to do it again." I looked over at Clair to see her asleep in one of the very few chairs that were down there. I picked her up waved bye to Gaster and went back upstairs.

        When I got upstairs I went over to Clair's room and put her in her bed, setting the blanket over her. Then I went to my room and laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I was going to go to sleep but I heard something hitting my window so I got up and investigated. I looked out the window to see Frisk throwing rocks at it from across the fence between our houses. I opened the window to let them know I was there. "HEY Y/N DO YOU WANT TO COME HANG OUT WITH US?!" "You know you don't have to yell..." "Oh...sorry" "It's okay i will be down there in a second." I closed the window and teleported next to Frisk and tapped on her shoulder making her shriek and turn around to look at me. "I told you it would be a second" "You scared the living heck out of me!" "Ok well you wanted to hang out so lets go." "Ok come on the others are waiting inside." I followed her inside to see Sans, Asriel, Chara, Papyrus, Asgore, and Undyne fighting over a game remote. To be honest the whole scene was pretty hilarious but I held by my laughter. Hopefully this will be fun.

        For some reason you are filled with HOPE

(Cancelled) You're not like the others [Female Chara X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now