Chapter 6 : Hitting It Off

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*Weeks Later*

*Taliah's POV*

So I'm dating Kev now ! ^_^ He asked me out last Friday when me and the whole crew went out last Friday. Alisa and Julian are feelin each other but they both too shy to say something. Aha. They too cute though! But I'm in my room on the phone wit Kev.

"So what we doin next weekend?" he asked.

I yawned and said "i don't know. We'll figure it out later"

My dad called me all the way from downstairs. "Taliahhhh! Come here."

"Ugh, imma call you back later."

"You better."

"-.- shut up. Aha. bye."

We both hung up and ran downstairs to see what my dad wanted.

"Yes, Father?" i said making a fake British accent

"Remember that surprise i was telling you?" he asked .

"yeah. Where is it ?"

"Right here. " he said as he opened the door &my cousins Essie &Vicky walked through.

I screamed, jumped up and down and hugged them . I missed them so much. They just laughed and hugged me back .

"Liahhh !" They both said at the same time.

After I hugged them i went and gave my dad the BIGGEST Hug ever !

"Thank you so much Daddy !" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome, aha. Now go do what ever you teenage girls do."

Me, Essie, and Vicky went to the backyard and just sat down talking and catching up. They were asking me how I liked California so far and things like that. I told them about my first day at school -.- and Kev ^_^.

"Wait, where's my Mia at?" Vicky asked me.

"Ohh she's with DayDay . That's her boo."

"Awww . So cute ." Essie said laughing. "So , whats the plans for the night ? What you doing?"

"Don't your mom &dad got work all tonight ?" Vicky asked. "We might as well just stay in and watch some movies?"

"Ew. No . I'm 17 and I'm finally old enough to party unsupervised, Sooooo , I'm goin ta party tonight with the entire crew? Are yall down?"

"Fashoo !" they both said at the same time.

"Alright ! So at like 8 something we gotta-" Then a basketball flew over into my backyard.

We all screamed since it just came out of no where. Aha. I already know who this basketball belonged to -.- So i got up and walked to the front door with Vicky &Essie and we walked over to Langston's house. I knocked on the door and Mama Lang answered.

"Hey sweetheart !" She said smiling.

"Hi Mama Lang ! :)"

"Whats going on?"

"Oh nothing, these are my cousins Essie &Vicky."

"Nice to meet you two" She said giving the handshakes. "Ohh i see you have a basketball. You goin' to go play Lang? Aha."

"Yeahh something like that. Ha. Do you mind if we go in the backyard?"

"Oh no, go right ahead" she said opening the door more and leading her hand towards the backyard.

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