5▪We need to talk:Pt 1

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I never thought someone would care for me. I've always been scared of the real world. I was definitely wrong about alot of things. But I like excluding myself from everyone. I'm safe and I can't hurt anyone or be hurt. Physically and emotionally. I know it might be selfish to look out for myself first, but it's not my fault I'm independent. And I usually can't depend on those around me even if I try.

It's been about 15 minutes and the guys should be back any minute now. As soon as I thought that we heard 4 boys cheering that they brought "the stuff". They are so weird. But that's ok, cause I'm weird too.

Once I'm done eating I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. While I was eating Alisha texted me that she would be away for a few days. I understand but it still makes me sad. Plus I'm starting online school on Monday, and I'm totally dreading having to do work. I know I'm lazy, I just don't enjoy having to think sometimes.

As I walk back to the kitchen I'm stopped by Corbyn.  He tells me that he need to tell me something.

"Oh! Hey Corbyn. I was just heading back to the kitchen." I tell him a bit surprised.

"Hey, yeah. We need to talk." He says in a serious voice.

"Uumm. Okaay." I say a bit awkwardly. He leads me to the backyard. Dang. This is actually my first time back here. And actually standing outside is even more gorgeous then looking out from inside.

"Ok. So what is it that we need to talk about?" I ask getting a bit impatient.

"So I'm just going to be straightforward with you. Three of the guys in that house like you." This completely surprises me.

"Really?" I'm not sure why. What is there to like about me. I'm far from pretty, I'm not the brightest, and why would they like me? Usually when I tell people about my past they go the other way because they don't know how to handle an, and I quote, "unstable person". It always gets on my nerves.

"What are you thinking rn?"

"Well I think I might like 2 of the guys in there but I honestly don't know what I feel right now." I shrug and push my hair out of my face, suddenly overwhelmed.

"Look. You can tell me anything, and I will never tell. That's what best friends are for right?" He pulls me into a hug and I make sure I hug back tightly to show that it really does mean alot. It feels good to have someone stand by me, to have my back, and to always be there when I need a shoulder to cry on.

"Well I think I might like..." i stop intentionally cause I know he doesn't like cliffhangers.

"Jeez woman! Just say it." He says clearly a bit frustrated.

"Ok. You promise you won't tell." I hold out my pinky and he puts his hand up next to mine and we wrap our fingers together.

"Promise." He is genuine when he promises. I know I can trust him. I know I can count on him.

"So one of their names starts with a J and the other start a with a Z." I say a bit embarrassed.

"Omg! I knew it!" He starts doing his weird dance again.

"Ok. Ok. Chill." I'm trying to get him to quite down but I can't help let a laugh escape from my mouth. 

"Wow. It is so obvious." He says shaking his head side to side.

"Whaaat?! And you didn't tell me." How can I be so stupid? I can't believe that these boys already know better than I know myself.

"Well in my defense I thought you were making it obvious on purpose." He said putting his hands up.

"Can you tell me who?" I really want to know. I like two of the guys in there, one more than the other. I'm not entirely sure though.

"No. You have to figure it out. It shouldn't be that hard either cause it's super obvious." He said with a "duh" tone.

"Omg. I know who doesn't like me. Daniel. So that means..." I trail off.

"Ding, ding, ding. You just won the prize." He said in a game show host voice.

Sorry for the short-ish chapter, but I've had alot of homework and I just hate school so much. But I will have a full chapter before 11pm tomorrow. Sorry, late i know. See you next time Beans!

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