7▪First Date

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I didn't know I had that in me. I can't believe I asked the boy I liked out on a date. I know people make these roles and stereotypes but they aren't true. Just like a guy can ask a girl out or a girl can ask the guy out. There isn't one specific way.

Omg. This is going to be my first kiss. I know I've had a boyfriend before but we never kissed. Finally our lips touch. His soft lips move in sync with mine. I didn't want to but I pulled back to him smiling. I couldn't help but beam a smile back at him. This boy is my everything.

After all the guys had showered we all sat on the couch to watch movies. We ended up watching Friends on netflix. I absolutely love the show. We've now been sitting here for hours watching tv and now it's 2:27 in the morning. I look around and see that Jonah and I are the only ones awake. I can only fall asleep on my bed so I am going upstairs. When I get up to my room I brush my teeth and get in bed. About five minutes later I hear my door creak open, I almost had a heart attack. I look closer and see Jonah peeking in from the hallway.

"Do you mind if I sleep in here?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah sure. I don't mind." I suddenly feel my cheeks burn up as the bed dips down beside me.

"Goodnight beautiful." Jonah says in a tired voice.

"Goodnight Jonah." I told him back before falling into a deep sleep.

I wake up in a cold wet room. I look around and it's just darkness everywhere but I can still see. I can see myself at the other end of the room. I- she keeps walking closer to me. She's talking to me.

"You're worthless you know that right?" She has a raspy voice. That is not me. "Jonah is only going out on a date with you out of pity. He doesn't love you. No one does."

"He does love me! You're wrong. And I'm not worthless!" I yell back at her. She sends whispers to me telling me all the bad things about me. Things like your worthless, no one wants to take care of an unstable person, you might as well kill yourself and you won't be a burden anymore. I start to believe everything she says. All the words she says are getting under my skin.

My eyes shoot open to a worried Jonah looking down at me. I bet he thinks I'm mental and that he should stay away from me.

"Hey. What's wrong? Why were you saying all those things? Are you okay?" I just burst out crying and slumped my body on Jonah. I couldn't say anything.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay. You don't need to tell me." He stroked my hair calming me a bit.

"N-no. I need to tell someone." My sobs turned into small hiccups. "You know how I was abused right. Well they would always put me down, and say horrible things about me." I took a deep breath before continuing. "All those thoughts just multiplied in my head. I would convince myself they were true. I actually cut myself a few times but I couldn't handle it. Now all I have is a small voice in the back of my head reminding me of all the things I am. It makes me really depressed and scared. I just don't act like anything bothers me around people." I finally stop hiccuping and just sit there limp in his arms.

I feel safe in his embrace, the warmth radiating off his body onto me. He makes all my worries go away. All those negative thoughts and everything else just disappears. It's just us against this cruel reality, but we know we'll make it because we are in this together.

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