4▪Fun Day

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I'm honestly a bit excited to see how today goes. I haven't really talked to any of the guys other than Jonah and Jack since what happened yesterday.

I hear the doorbell ring and go downstairs to open the door. I'm greeted with 5 boys with huge smiles on their faces.

I thought that I was going to go to the park with just Jack. But it will probably be more fun with all of them. Hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to the others today.

"What are you guys just standing there for? Let's go to the park!!" I hollered.

"Woo!! Fun day!!" Corbyn is so funny. He starts doing this weird dance as he walks to their car. I just now realized that we are all going to be squished in there. Just great.

"Okay Jonah's driving and I call shotgun!!"Daniel yells while running to the passenger door.

"Okay. That leaves Me, Jack Zach and Corbyn in the back. Yay!" I say with a straight face.

"Um excuse me." Jack says in a joking manner, placing his right hand on his chest. In the back I'm squished between Zach and Jack. Lucky Corbyn got a window seat and so did Jack.

"I call shotgun for the ride back!" I announce putting my hand in the air. I saw that Zach was just staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask getting up and looking in the rearview mirror.

"No. Um. No you don't have anything at all." He says blushing and turning to look out the window Corbyn was sitting by. The whole car ride we were jamming out to a bunch of songs from 2010. It was so funny when Zach would try to imitate the singer. These boys were actually really good at singing.

After about 14 minutes the park comes into view. It was big and on one side it had a soccer feild, and volleyball nets, and on the other side there was baseball feild and a clearing.
We decided to chill in the clearing for a bit and get to know each other a bit better. I also learned that Zach is afraid of elevators and I learned that they were in a band. I had them sing me a few of their songs. They are very talented, if I do say so myself.

Then we played a bit of football. I was not the best, that's all I'm gonna say about that. It started getting late so we went to have dinner at some place called Outback. And may I say, i had the best steak ever. Lord. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. After dinner we left to go hang out at my house.

When we got to the house we sat down in my room to watch a movie. We all sat on the bed on top of each other. When I sat down Jack and Zach jumped on both sides of me. Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn sat at our feet. I turned on the tv and picked the movie Wonder Woman. I've never seen it so I rented it. Apparently it is a really good movie.

Towards the end of the movie one of the scenes made me cry. I can't help but cry into Zach' s shoulder. All the boys except Jack are awake right now. After I'm done crying i go into my bathroom to wash my face, cause mascera and crying don't go well together. I come back and find that all the boys are gone. I walk to the stairs and peek over the railing to see if I can see them from here but I cant. I walk around the entire house and I see that everything is gone. I can't believe it. They left me and they took everything. I can't believe I trusted them. I shouldn't have. Why am I so dumb. I can't help but burst into tears. I am being shaken but I don't know who or what is doing it.

I shoot up from my bed to 5 nervous boys all staring at me from each side of my bed. I look around, and I keep crying. I must have fallen asleep. That nightmare felt so real. I thought they really left me, after they said they wouldn't. Jack pulls me into a hug before I can say anything. I see Zach give him a cold glare. His jaw tensed up until he noticed that I saw. He looked at the floor. All the boys are now hugging me. After a minute they let go.

"Amora, what happened?" Jack asked me.

"I must have fallen alseep. I had a really bad nightmare." I told them still a bit shakey. I know it's stupid to be scared of them leaving, but they are the only friends I have. The only people I can trust.

"You guys all left me." I told them looking down at my hands.  "I know it's stupid. But I don't want you guys to leave me. You guys are all I have."

"We would never leave you!" Zach says a bit hurt.

"I'm sorry. It's just hard to trust people." I told them.

"No. Don't apologize. I get it." Jonah stepped in.

"Can we just relax?" I asked them trying to not be having this conversation anymore.

"Yeah sure. Are you hungry?" Zach asks me putting his hand on my knee. This is the first time im not scared when someone touched me. I felt safe with him. With all of them. I just nod my head.

"Ok well I'll go get some subway. How about someone stays here with her." Corbyn suggests.

"I'll stay!" Zach yells a bit.

"Ok. Well see you in a bit. Text me what you want Amora." Jonah says a bit disappointed.

"Ok. Will do." I try to sound cheerful but it was everything but that.

After the guys left me and Zach just say on my bed talking. I really enjoy the time i spend with him. He just stands out to me. I noticed he was a bit nervous. I could tell because he kept fidgeting with his fingers.

It's been about 15 minutes and the guys should be back any minute now. As soon as I thought that we heard 4 boys cheering that they brought "the stuff". They are so weird. But that's ok, cause I'm weird too.

Hey beans! I hope you liked this chapter. I've decided that weekends are my off days because I'm usually busy. Sorry. See you all Monday. 😊😊

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