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I go downstairs and say goodbye to the boys. I stop at Corbyn and tell him that I will text him what happened before I go to sleep, he is like my best friend, well guy friend and I tell him a lot of things.

As I'm walking home I here faint noises from somewhere. I can't tell where it's coming from but as I keep walking down the side walk towards my house I can here it get louder. Now that I'm closer I can make out the sounds of little meows coming from a bush on the lawn of a house that was up for sale. I walk faster until I can actually see them through the leaves of the bush. I move some branches out of the way to reveal two little kittens. I look around and notice that there is no mother and no signs of her actually being here. I'm still reluctant though, because what if she is just out getting food for the kittens. I decide that I'll come back later tonight to see if their mother had come back while I was away.

I quickly make my way home and get ready for bed. As I'm falling asleep I remember that I forgot to set an alarm for 1 in the morning so I could check on the kittens. I swear that those next few hours went by so kick that I thought my alarm went off like an hour after I actually fell asleep.

As quiet as I could I put on some shoes and a sweater, cause I know it gets a bit chilly at night, and make my way downstairs. On my way out the door I grab a small blanket from a closet and some gloves. I just want to make sure that I don't get sick or something, and lastly I found one of the empty boxes I had from moving. I fold the blanket and put it in the box and finally walk out the door.

I can still hear the kittens meowing like earlier. So I'm assuming that their mother still hadn't come back to feed them. Before I actually push the small branches of the bush to the side I put on my gloves. I pick the kittens up, just now noticing how small they actually were. I quickly put them in the box and fold the blanket over them, and start making my way back to the house.

Wait... I don't even actually know how to take care of anything. I'm going to be up all night researching on cats and how to take care of them. This ought to be fun.

After about an hour of being on the internet I think I got it down. I gave them a bath and dried them off, but then realized that I have nothing to feed them, and that I'll have to take them to the vet. These kittens are gonna drive me crazy. What was I thinking about taking them in, not only can I barely take care of myself now I have to take care of them too. AND i still have to tell Alisha, hopefully she will let me keep them.

Aug. 16,

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