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Mayah pov

"Today you have to partner up for this project. Go pick your poison. "

I looked over and see Grayson and Tia run to me.

"Wanna be partners?"

They both ask at the same time.

"No Me!" they say again.

I see Ethan coming up to Tia probably wanting to be her partner.

"Yes Grayson. I would love to." I smirk.

"Bitch." Tia groans.


"Hell no."

"You can't be mad at him forever." I stated.

"Are you serious? After what he did?"

"Really Tia? He did what you do almost every week. You're both players. Now go be his partner."

She walked away and sat next to our other friend and away from Ethan.

"See you at my house, baby girl. Ill text you the address."

"Stop calling me that." I groaned.

Just the name alone was a turn on and I hated it.

Grayson winked and walked away.

Tia pov

"Come on Tia. Why not?"

"You left me in your bed."

"You know how it is, princess." He chuckled.

"It's different when I do it."

"How so?" He asked.

"Because it is."

"Okay all that aside, we both need a good grade on the project. I'll be good. Promise."

"For your sake.. you better be."


Mayah pov

"Mom I have to. We're partners."

"Mayah. No patronising with boys." My mom says walking around the house as I follow her.

"First of all, I'm 17. I'm gonna patronize with boys. Second, it's for a project. I'm not gonna come home fucking pregnant." I say rolling my eyes.

"I'm gonna tell you one more time to stop using that word." She says sternly.

"Can you just be subtle and understanding for once?"

She looked at me and sighed.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck you and pops. I'm fucking going. I have a project to fucking do."

I knock on the door of Grayson's house and Ethan answers.

"Good girl, you came on time." He smirked.

"Oh my gosh what is wrong with you and your brother? I have a name. Stop calling me that." I rolled my eyes.

It wasn't okay when he said it.

"Is Tia here?" I ask

"She's upstairs." he smirked.

Grayson then came to the door and pushed Ethan back

"Sorry bout him. But Tia's lucky. He never does the same girl twice." He laughs.

"No, your brother's the lucky one. I still can't believe she went back for more. She said his head game was weak. Which is weird because all you Dolan boys do is run your mouth." I smirked.

"If you're a good girl tonight, I can show you what this mouth does." He said as he stepped closer until he was inches away from my face.

My breath hinged. He looked deep into my soul with those hazel eyes. When he winked at me, that snapped me out of my trance; I cleared my throat.

"Whatever. Let's just do this so I can go home." I say standing there.

"Are you gonna let me in? Or do you wanna play fucking pattycake?" I say sarcastically.

"My bad."

He chuckles before letting me in.

We walked into his room and started on the project.


"Okay. It's been an hour. So are you hungry?"

I ask sitting up and running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm hungry for a lot of things." He smirked.

I look down in embarrassment and he gets up and slowly walks behind me.

"Do I make you....nervous?"

He whispered in my ear


"No." I said squeezing my eyes closed.

"I don't? So you don't mind if I do this?"

He asked sliding his hands up my thigh.


"Yes. I do mind. Please stop." I said pushing him away.

"You are feisty. Not like other girls." He explained.

"I should check on Tia... I'll be back."

I say grabbing my phone and running to the bathroom

Tia pov
"Okay. We should study." Ethan said sitting down.

"Nah. I don't study. Not my thing." i smirk.

"Oh. So what do you want to do?" He asked closing the book.

"I want you to leave." I smile then roll my eyes.

"Tia, I said I was sorry."

"Don't give a fuck." I say looking away.

He moves my face towards his then kisses my lips.

My phone started ringing so I break the kiss and answer

Me: Hey M. How's it going?

Mayah: Grayson Dolan is trying to fuck me

Me: let him

Mayah: are you crazy!? Would you like to be a godmom at 16?

Me: there are these things called condoms. Use em

Mayah: bitch-

Me: ok ok chill.

*Ethan starts kissing down my neck*

Me: o-ok M. I'll b-be there in a minute.

Mayah: what the hell is wrong with you?

Me: gotta go bye

I hang up the phone and push Ethan off of me.

"Didn't mean to lead you on. I still don't forgive you."

I grab my stuff and get up.

"I have to go."

"What? Why?"

"Your brother is trying to get in my bestfriend's pants. So I have to go save her ass. Gotta go."

I say pushing him back and slaming the door.

Heyyyyyyyyy. :)

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