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Mayah pov

My parents left.. days ago. Told me they needed more time away. The note they left on the fridge said their location was Aruba. If I needed anything I could call. But I didn't give a fuck.

My thoughts ran through my brain rapidly as my hands ran through Grayson's now blonde hair. We just finished having amazing rough sex for the first time in my bed.

Me, now being exhausted, wiped the sweat dripping from my four head.
Yeah.. he worked me hard. His fingers caressed my arms that were wrapped around his neck as he lied between my legs. His floofy hair touched the pit of my stomach.

I convinced him to watch Criminal Minds with me since he was sleeping over.

"I cannot believe Ethan tricked you into bleaching your hair."

"You don't like it?"

"Oh it definitely fits you baby." I tease.

He flips himself over and climbs between my legs. His hands landed on each side of me as his lips brushed against mine.

Before we could go any further, Tia burst through the door and stood there looking at us.

"What?" Grayson said in an annoyed tone

"I need a condom.. like now."

"Ethan has condoms."

"Ran out.. we been busy." She said with a smirk.

We laughed as she grabbed three out of the night stand and slammed the door.

"Well.." Grayson said as he turned around and crawled on top of me. His faces inches away from mine.

"I don't really wanna stay around to hear them fuck.."

He slowly pressed his lips onto mine and I smile into the kiss. I place my hands onto his face and pulled him closer. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Lets go out baby girl."

"We always go out." I chuckle

"How bout if we take a walk? It's pretty out and the sun is setting." He said

I looked out the window to see the sun low on the river. It set a pretty pinkish orange light in the sky and clouds. Gorgeous.

Before I could answer the sound of Tia screaming and moaning shot through the thin walls. The headboard constantly hit the wall.


Our fingers remained locked as we walked out of the ice cream shop. By this time it was already a little bit darker out when we started walking by thr river.

"So there was a real reason I asked you to come walk with me. Away from Tia and Ethan." Grayson said, breaking the silence.

"What reason?" I asked

He stopped walking and turned me around the face him. I looked him in his  green hazel eyes. Ice cream dripped on my finger. I licked it off like a little kid and Grayson chuckled.

My cheeks blushed a bright pink as he unlocked our fingers and brought my hand up to his lips to place a soft kiss on it.

"Mayah, I know at first I was a dick to you.." he sighed

"A really big one." I chuckled

"But now I see you everyday. And you get more and more beautiful everytime.. and I think my heart is falling for you.. and I.. I'm not good with feelings, I don't know how to do the whole girlfriend boyfriend thing-"

"Grayson.. just say it. You don't actually wanna be with me.."

I look down at my feet as I felt my heart drop a little bit. I've never had a real relationship before. My first one was a secret I kept from my parents. And he always wanted to have sex but I was a virgin so you probably know how that ended.
I knew I was fall in love with Grayson ever since he started being nice to me and started calling me baby girl. Taking me on dates, kissing me..

Fucking me

Now he doesn't want me?

"No no no! That's not what I'm saying. I really want to be with you! That's why I can't get the words out. I-I didn't think you'd say yes to being my girl considering my past.."

"I'm not focused on your past Grayson. But if you're willing to try, then I will to." I said with a smile.

"Is that a yes? You'll be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." I giggle

His eyes lit up and he picked me up and spun me around. He planted millions of kissed of my face making me laugh.. and drop my ice cream.

He put me down and we both looked at the cone on the ground.
I looked up at him and poked my lip out.

"Come baby.. I'll buy you another one"


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