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Mayah pov

Once I finally got ready I looked out the window to see Grayson also getting ready. He had on his black fitted shirt on with black jeans and air forces.

All black looks good on him

He saw me staring through the window and winked. He looked me up and down at the dress I was wearing.

A smirk creeped onto his face once more before Ethan walked in and he turned around

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A smirk creeped onto his face once more before Ethan walked in and he turned around.
I text Tia to remind her to be outside soon. Since my parents no longer pay attention to me why not skip the trouble of climbing out the window, and just walk out the front door.

After putting my red lipstick on I grabbed my phone and fake ID before walking down stairs. I walked down the stairs and past the kitchen.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I hear from behind.

My dad now standing a few feet away.

"A dress?" I said sarcastically

"Where do you think you're going at 11 o'clock at night?"

Should've went through the window

"Get off my ass already. The fuck you wanna know for anyways?"

"Don't talk to your mother that way." My dad said in a demanding voice

"She's not my mother. And you're not my father. Parents don't basically disown their kids and act like they don't exist. So I'll talk however the fuck i choose to."

Before my dad could argue with my again, a car horn went off outside signaling me to dip out of there and into Tia's black Tesla.

She was dressed in a half black, half red sparkley dress with black high heels.

She was dressed in a half black, half red sparkley dress with black high heels

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Her chest tattoo was showing more than usual.

Her chest tattoo was showing more than usual

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Wish I was more bold.. like her

"You look amazing.. when did you have time to buy these clothes?"

"To be honest some of them are yours.. I'm in love with red now."

"It definitely fits you babe."

Just as we pulled up to the club, Grayson and Ethan did too in Ethan's black range rover.

We walked up to the bouncer and Grayson immediately wrapped his arm around me, as did Ethan to Tia.

"Follow my lead." He whispered

As soon as the bouncer saw them he smiled and gave Ethan a bro hug. He lifted the red velvet rope and let us pass.

"You know him?" I asked

"Old friend." Grayson said with a smug look on his face.

He kept his arm wrapped around my waist as we walked. Tia pushed away from Ethan and walked into a crowd of random guys who praised her.

Ethans face remained angry before he walked over to a bunch of girls at the bar.

"They still got beef?" I said with a laugh

"I think she's just making him jealous." He responded

We sat on the love seat at the front of the VIP section. The bartender came over with a tray of 20 shots glasses.

I took a few to try and loosen up and forget about the fight with my parents.

I looked around the room and bopped my head to the music. Didn't think twice about looking to my left at Grayson to see what he was doing or if he was even there. But my question was soon answered when I felt his arm snake around my neck. He took his other hand and grabbed my throat, making me turn my head towards him. He then planted a kiss on my lips. I kissed back..

He slipped his tongue in as he released his hand off my neck and onto my upper thigh. I felt a knot in my stomach making me pull away.

"Grayson stop." I said

"Answer one question for me baby girl."

"No stop-"

"Just one"


He looks around the room, and scoots closer to me..

"Do you like this?"

He asks as his hands travel up my thigh.


"Or this?"

His lips come in contact with mine once  again and I kiss back. His hand continues to travel up my inner thigh until he reaches my clit but on the outside of my underwear. He made little circles with his finger making a moan slip from my lips.

Then sadly he pulls away.

"But you want me to stop right?" He smirks then walks away.

What the fuck just happened?

I didn't want him to stop

I pull my dress back down and see Tia running towards me.

She say next to me and we drank the whole tray of shots.

"I think I want a tattoo." I say as I slur my words

Heyyyyyyyyy. Ugh I can't wait to be old enough to go clubbing lmao

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