Mayah pov
I walk into school and walk to my locker to put my books in.

My head pounded harder than usual. I've never drank harder in my life.. and when I do, the damn cops show up.

Grayson walks up to me and smirks.

"Hey. Feeling better?"

"No. I puked all morning" I chuckled.

"Is there something you need Dolan?" I ask

"I need you to go on a date with me."

"Grayson I'm grounded. I can't go anywhere." I sigh and start walking to class.

And of course he follows me.

"Pleaseeeeeee. We'll be alone." He explained trying to convince me.

"Exactly. Can't be alone with a fuckboy."

Tia said showing up from no where.

"Plus my parents don't want me around you anymore."

"Most parents don't" he smirked

"I'll come if she can." I smirk.

"Can't. She'll be with me." Ethan said also showing up from no where.

"Okay.. Stop that."

Tia pulled Ethan by his arm and away from us.

"Please?" Grayson begged.

"Fine Grayson. I'll try."


"You're so stupid." Tia said laying on her bed.

"I know. But I need you to help me get ready." I begged as I looked through her closet

"You don't wanna where my clothes." She warned

"Yeah I do. I need to look good."

"Okay. But don't say I didn't warn you"

"Okay. You ready to see?"

"Yes lemme see." ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Holy shit

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Holy shit

"What are you wearing on your date with Ethan?"



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"Alright. Now. I'm gonna do your make up and you'll be set to go."

"Okay he's here." She squealed as Grayson walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

She opened the door and rolled her eyes.


"Tia" he responded

"Grayson. Hey. Lets go."

I take his hand and we get into the car.

We walk into his house and he motions me to the kitchen.

"Everyone is gone. So it's just you and me babygirl." He smirks.

"Lucky you." I chuckle

"How did you get away from your parents?"

"They're out of town this week. So they don't know"

All night he told me jokes and made me laugh and being a total gentlemen.

Not what I expected

"You've been amazing tonight." I giggle.

"I'm amazing at other things too." He smirked.

"I bet." I chuckled.

He then turns on music and gets up and holds out his hand.

"Wanna dance?"

"Would love too." I giggle after taking his hand and we started slow dancing.

"I never noticed how pretty your eyes are." I say.

"Thank you. Your everything is pretty." He said.

I could feel a blush appear on my cheeks as my smile grew bigger.
He was being super sweet which was so unexpected.

I laugh and he spins me around. We look into each other's eyes and he leans in and kisses me.
I instantly kiss back and we stop dancing and just kiss. His hands glide down my sides and his hands reach my ass.

He deepened the kiss and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss harder. He picks me up and brings me to his room. He lays me on the bed and hovers over me.
He slowly inches my dress down before ripping it off leaving me in my underwear and matching bra. I top of his shirt reaviling his toned abs.

"You sure you wanna do this? This is not what good girls do" He smirks looking at me in the eyes.

"Maybe I don't wanna be a good girl tonight." I say innocently.

He takes his pants and underwear off and his boner slaps his stomach.

He reaches for his night stand and grabs a condom. He puts it on and positions me.

"You ready?" He asks

I not my head and I feel the pain as he slams into me. I dig my nails into his back as the pain rushed through.

Soon the pain went away and it turned into pure pleasure and I started moaning.

We both finished after about 10 minutes.

"Damn..." I said out of breath.

"Yeah." I curled up into his chest and slowly fall asleep.

Ethan pov
"I swear I left it here." I say opening the door to my house.

"That's what you said when we went to Aaron's house." Tia said rolling her eyes.

We walked through the kitchen to see they weren't at the table.

"Looks like they finally did it." I said getting closer but she puts her hand to my chest and pushes my back.

"Not a chance Grant. Just get your wallet so you can bring me the Fuck home."

"Bipolar ass" I said rolling my eyes

Heyyyyyyyyy. Ok. There's your so called smut. I'm not very good. But that's as far as it'll go. You're welcome Mayah

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