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Mayah pov
I walk out the bathroom and smile at Grayson Like nothing happened.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah. My mom is a bitch and will have a fit if I don't get home. So I think we're gonna go home."

I say looking down.

"You've been here for an hour." He chuckled.

"I told you.. she's a bitch." I chuckle.

Tia then came barging in.

"How did you-?" Grayson furrowed his eyes.

"I have my ways.." She smirked.

"Well gotta go.. Bye."

*2 days later*

I walk into school looking for Tia. But she wasn't at our locker. Then my phone rung.

Tia: not coming to school today

Me: why?

Tia: Tell you later

Me: ok. Ily😘

Tia: ilyt bitch😘😝

Tia: have fun with ya side hoe and his brother

Me: Fuck you

I put my phone in my pocket and close my locker after getting my books.

"Where's your sidekick?" I jump and drop my books and turn to see the twins and Aaron.

"Don't run up on me like that. You're such a fucking headache"

I say bending down and picking up my books.


Ethan said putting his hands up in defence.

This is gonna be a long day

Fuck Tia for leaving me


"Ok. It's time for the class to show the projects. Um.....Grayson and Mayah. You guys first."

I look at Grayson and he picks up the project and brings it on the desk.

This is gonna be a long presentation


After us it was Ethan and Tia.

"Where's Tia?" The teacher asked.

"She's sick." I said covering for her.

"Mayah. Tell me where she is. This is here 2nd strike. I'll have to tell the principle to give her, her 2nd suspension." My teacher sighs.

"Please Ms. Johnson. Give her a break"

"I will not. She should be expelled."

I sigh and sit back down.


I done have a car yet so I gotta walk home. A car then pulls up next to me and I stop.


"Want a ride?"

"No. I'm not stupid. I know what you really want."

I say rolling my eyes and keep walking.

"I can see you're upset." He smirks.

"And fucking is gonna help? No thanks."

I walked faster and he kept following.

"Get your ass is this car." He said unlocking the door.

I sigh before getting in and closing the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Tia is my bestfriend. If she leaves the school...I have no one. She's the only one I got.. My parents always controll me and everything I do. I always feel stuck. I know that if I got kicked out or something..I have her to go to. But I need her at school with me.. She might not be the best person ever or have good grades. But she's everything to me."

I was on the verge of crying but I wasn't gonna let it out in front of him.

"Help her change."

"You don't get it. She's stubborn. She won't change. Plus, I love the way she is. I don't wanna change her. She balances me out."

"Well if that's the case, she wouldn't leave you. It'll get better." He crept his hand into mine and intertwined out fingers.

"Promise." He smiled.


He let me out the car and I walked in the door.

My parents stood at the door with their arms folded.

"Who was that boy?" My dad asked.

"Calm your tits. He's a friend." I said rolling my eyes.

"You were holding his hand."

"Had a rough day, ok." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Doesn't mean you can-"

"Save the lecture."

I said pushing past them.

Heyyyyyyy. Here's your chapter for today. My wrist and head hurts really bad.

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