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Mayah pov
"Bitch." I laugh.


Tia jumped on me and I laugh while holding her.

"Feels like we've been that way already." Grayson says.

"A little more special now that its official." I said.

Grayson blushed a little as he took my hand and kissed it.


We all walked into the twins house and Ethan silently closed the door.

"Okay. What ever you do, don't make a sound."

Grayson said.

"Why?" Tia chuckles.

"Because mom and our sister are here. So please don't-" before Ethan continued, a girl started squealing and we all turned to see....who I'm guessing is their sister and the lady who has her arms crossed is their mom?

"So you must be Tia and Mayah? Omg the twins talk about you all the time! I'm Cameron! Their older sister!"
She yelled hugging me and Tia.

She finally let go and their mom came up to us.

"I'm Lisa. So happy to meet my baby's girlfriends! Let me guess. You're my eetwetee's girl?" She asked pointing to Tia.

Tia put her hand to her mouth and turned to Ethan.

"Eetwetee?" She giggled.

Ethan rolled his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, yes that's me. I'm Eetwetee's girl." She said still laughing.

"And you must be my Graybear's girlfriend." She smiled.

I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my laughter and looked at Grayson.

"Yep that's me. Graybear's girlfriend." I laugh.

Grayson bumps my shoulder which made me laugh harder.

"Ok. Ok. We're done." Tia said leaning on my shoulder.

"It's very nice to meet you girls. Are you staying for dinner?"

"Oh....Mom. We don't think that's a very good-"

"We would love to." Me and Tia said at the same time.

The twins give us the death glare and we laugh. Their mom and sister laugh and walk into the kitchen leaving us in the living room.

"She's gonna embarrass us." Ethan groans.

"Even more reason to stay." I said with a smirk.

I took Gray's hand and pulled him in the kitchen.

"You girls wanna help?" Mrs. Lisa asked.

"Yes ma'am."

*After dinner*

"Mrs. Lisa. That was great."

"Yes. Very." Tia follows

"Well thank you girls. Nice to see someone appreciates it" She then got up and grabbed her plate and Cameron's.

"Oh here. Let us help you."

"Oh no no no. It's ok."

"It's the least we could do." Me and Tia grabbed all the dishes and brought them into the kitchen.

I see where Grayson gets his sweet heart from

Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Merry Christmas!!!!!! Can't wait till I can open presents on Monday!💞💞💞💞💞💞

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