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Mayah pov

"Miss Alastair, I called you in today because I'm worried about your grades. You used to be a straight A student.." the principal states.

I stayed quiet knowing I didn't want to say anything to make her call my parents.

"How does a straight A student.. go to all C's? Is there something going on at home I should know about?"

"No ma'am. Just been slacking. I don't need you on my ass about it."

"I want to see your grades rise again. I don't want to fail you this semester."


I knock at Grayson's window. He looks over from his bed and smirks at me.

"What a nice surprise."

"Don't be surprised. I'm here to see your brother. Not to see you. He has my Chemistry book."

"Why you acting that way? After how I made you feel the other night."
He smirked.

"Because you used me."

"Don't act like you didn't like it."

I walk out of his room and into Ethan's after rolling my eyes at his ignorance.

I pushed Ethan's door open, revealing him at his desk working. He spins around in his chair and looks at me.

"No way.. are you doing homework?" I laugh

"Why does that surprise you?" He chuckled

"You just dont strike me as the nerd type who does his homework and turns it in on time."

"Well I do. I actually want to graduate. Why are you here anyway? Here to see Grayson?"

"I have no reason to see him. I need my Chemistry book back. Principal is on my ass about my grades"

He laughs then points to his TV stand. There was my book in front of his flat screen.

"You know.. you should give him a chance.. he's not always a douche bag."

"You show me a Grayson that isn't a jerk, and I'll give him a chance. Until then keep him away from me."

With that I smiled at him before walking away and out the house.

When I drove up to my drive way, I saw my parents car in the drive way.
I had no idea they'd be back. I felt scared to go in.
I walked up to the door which was already open. When I walked into the living room there sat my parents typing away at their computers.

"Well You're home early." I said as I closed the door

They didn't look up from their laptops. They continued to which back from writing on their paper and looking back at the screen. Meaning they still weren't talking to me.

"Look I know you're mad about what happened before you left, but I'm still your daughter. You didn't call or even text me the whole time you were away. It's like I don't even matter to you anymore."

They looked up from their laptops. Not at me, but at each other. Then they sighed and looked back to the laptop.
Tears flooded my eyes. I felt like my heart was ripped from me.

"Fine." I said while the tears rolled down my cheeks.

I took my bag and ran to my room. I could feel my heart burn. Air bubbles filled up in my throat. I tried to hold them back but I finally let it all out.

I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it as I cried. I knew Tia was grounded and didn't have her phone. Nor was she home right now. I didn't want to be in the same house as them right now.

I looked out my window and saw Grayson's was open. I looked through it and saw he wasn't in there.

Did I want him to see me crying?

How would he treat me?

I swallowed my pride and climbed out of my room and into his.

Heyyyyyyyyy. Just in case anyone is wondering.. all their rooms are on the second floor and there is a tree connecting them all to climb across👍🏾

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