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Mayah pov

After meeting Mrs. Lisa and Cameron, Cameron said she wanted to get to know me and Tia.

"Babe please don't. Look. My sister can be judgemental. Yeah she was nice last week. But last time she went out with my girlfriend, she left me the next day."

"I'm not that girl." I smile and peck his lips before grabbing my stuff.

"Promise. She'll love me."

*After the date*

"She hates me!" I whine as Tia plays with my hair.

"What happened?"

"What happened? She told me I wasn't good enough for Grayson. Judged my hair, my makeup... then told me I don't look like his type."

"But she was so super nice at dinner." Tia chuckles.

"Yeah well she must be a pretty damn good actress. Because she hated me from the moment I got in the car."

"Maybe I shouldn't hang with her tomorrow."

"No, you have to. I want you to feel my pain." I groan.

"Damn. I love you too." she laughs.

"Now if you excuse me. I gotta go tell my boyfriend that his sister hates me.....and hair." I say stomping away.

I knock on the door and Ethan answers.

"Hey M. You okay?" He asked leaning against the door.

"No. Your sister hates me. Where's Gray?"

"In the kitchen with his tutor. Go right ahead."

I hugged him before walking in and seeing Grayson sitting at the table with his tutor sitting across from him.

"Hey baby this is Nashta. She's my math tutor. Nashta this is my girlfriend Mayah." He says.

"Nice to meet you." She says with a smile that I can see was sarcastic.

"You too. Can I steal him for a minute?"

"He's all yours. We've done enough for today. I'll see you at school Gray."

She grabs her stuff and walks out the door with Tia coming in and hitting Ethan as he looks at her ass.

"I was looking at the ground." He defended.

"Mmhm." She said with her arms folded.

"A word Grayson. Now." I pull his arm into the room and shut the door.

"Let me guess. Its over?"

"No babe. It's just. I can't have your sister hating me."

"Don't worry. She'll warm up to you. Eventually." He said with a chuckle

He smiles at me which made me give in.

"Come on good girl. You can either help me with my homework or boner. Take your pick." He smirked.

"Homework." I laugh.

"Wrong choice baby girl." He picked me up by my waits and threw me on the bed. A small scream left my mouth followed by a laugh.

"Good girls don't fuck. Remember!" I squealed

"Well this one does."

Heyyyyyyyyy. I know I haven't been posting at all on everything. And I'm sorry. I've just ran out of ideas. So this is going to end on chapter 25.
Btw ik Cameron is prolly the sweetest person ever. It's just for the story..
Thanks guys

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