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Mayah pov
"So how was it?" Tia asks

"How was what?" I chuckle

"Don't even try to cover it up. I know ya'll had sex last night"

"Little louder Tia. I don't think everyone heard you"

"How was he? Did he last long? Was he slow or fast?"

"He was a total gentlemen which was not expected at all. I don't know.. its like he was a different person. Here we all know him as an asshole with more bodies than this school can hold. But he was... sweet. And incredibly sexy. And the sex?? He was perfect."

"Gentleman? Are you sure this is the same Grayson Dolan?" She jokes

I told her about the rest of the night and what happened during the date. We walked into the cafeteria and sat at our usual table. Everyone was quiet. Eyes were on us the entire time.

"What's wrong with everyone today?"

"I'm not sure."

"Should I go say hi to him?" I asked excitedly

"He looks a little busy."

She motioned for me to look behind me making me snap my head towards the entrance of the lunch room. My heart clenched when I saw Grayson walking in with a girl under his arm. Fingers locked. The same girl from the party..

They sat at the table right across from us. His eyes landed on me, and an evil smirk appeared on his face. The girl he was with turned his head to face her and she smashed their lips together


"Don't.. you were right. That's not the same Grayson Dolan."

I sighed. I didn't know what to even think anymore. This whole time he's been playing me. He got into my head just to get into my pants.

A new hate grew inside of me. Hate towards him. I didn't want to see his face anymore.


*Wednesday at school*

Mayah pov

6th period ended and I was ready to dip out the door to avoid seeing or talking to you know who.
Once they opened the class room door I flew and made a break for the door.

I tripped over someone else's foot and bumped into the person in front of me. They caught me before I could hit the ground.


"In a rush?" He asked.

A smirk formed on his lips as he pulled me back up.

I snatched away and continued walking to the door. Before I could make it he pulled me back.

"Wait. Where you off to?" He chuckled

"Anywhere away from you."

He laughed at my comment; making mw scoff at him.

"You're so cute when you're angry."

"Well wouldn't you be mad if you fucked someone and then the next day they got with someone else?"

"Babygirl.. They dared me do it. You're the hardest girl to get at this school. They wanted to see if I could break you. Challenge accepted. You don't really feel angry do you?" He laughed

My chest started to tighten and my anger rose at his ignorance. I could feel my blood start to boil. He had that smug look on his face making me even hotter causing me to lift my hand and slapping the shit out of him.

"No, did you feel that? You fucking jerk."

"You're gonna regret that."

"No, I regret you. Stay away from me."

Heyyyyyyyy. Btw this is totally a rewrite.. this story was written in 2017 but it is currently 2021 and I wanted to re write it bc it sucked :)

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