Mayah pov

The class bell rang.. ending 3rd period.

"So whats ur plans this weekend?" I ask Tia

"We have another party tonight" she says

"It's a school night.." I chuckle

"Fuck school.. you know.. Grayson will be there."

"What does he have to do with anything?" I chuckle

"Its a good chance to be aloneeeeee with him" she said with a smirk

We sat at our regular lunch table after standing in the long line. My eyes traveled around the cafeteria while Tia was still trying to convice me to go to the party. The table in front of our was crowded with girls who have already been in Grayson's pants, or still trying to get in them. They giggled as they waved over to the twins' table.

"Bobble heads... If only they knew what kind of people they really were." She said rolling her eyes

"Tia, you can't be mad at him forever. He was drunk."

"He's such an asshole.. but God made him so fucking hot" She said looking at his table

"Not only that.. he made two of them.."


I stayed waiting for my parents to fall asleep so I could sneak out.. but they were still up talking on the phone working. I didn't want them seeing me in my dress.

Tia told me to meet her at the stop sign at 10:30

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Tia told me to meet her at the stop sign at 10:30. But I knew my parents would come to my room before they went to sleep.


Tia: where u at?

I peeped past the wall leading to where my parents were sitting to see that they fell asleep. Now was my only chance to leave before they woke up.
Fuck it. If they find out I left who cares?


We finally made it to the party a little after 11..

"You see Ethan?" She asks

"I thought you were mad at him" I chuckle

"Sober Tia is mad.. drunk Tia is trying to get dicked down tonight."

"He's in the kitchen" I said pointing to him.

She walked over to him in her high heels. As soon as he saw her his eyes lit up and he couldn't keep his eyes off her body in that dress.

 As soon as he saw her his eyes lit up and he couldn't keep his eyes off her body in that dress

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My hips swayed to Cardi B that was playing. Usually Grayson would come from behind and grab me.

4 songs past and no sign of Grayson.. I walked around for a minute to see if I could find him.

And what did I see? Him grinding on another girl.
My heart stopped and I felt the need to puke. I swallowed it back to prevent embarrassment.

My heart hurt a little bit.. I guess I held on to the hope of him possibly only being into me. But he's not mine.. so I can't be mad.

I felt like leaving but I knew Tia wouldn't want to. I picked up a random drink not knowing what was in it, and chugged it down.


Grayson pov

I roll my eyes as the blonde i danced with continued talking about her stupid rich parents and shit. She twirled her hair and smacked on her gum as she giggled.

I looked around the room and spotted Mayah across the room. She kept drinking more and more. She was so cute.

"Grayson are you even listening to me?" She asked

I could sense her attitude..

"No." I scoffed as I walked away and over to the kitchen

"Asshole!" I heard her yell

I grabbed a red cup off the counter and filled it with beer

"Grayson!" I heard.

I turned around to see Ethan and Tia running towards me

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"The cops are here!" Tia yelled

The sirens got louder and closer from outside.

"Oh shit. Where's Mayah?"

My eyes spotted her dancing in the corner by herself. I ran over and grabbed her shoulders.

"Mayah, we gotta go"

"Let go of me. What happened to your bitch?" She said pulled away

"We don't have time for this. The cops are here"

"Cops?" She asked in a worried tone

Her face turned red, and vomit spewed out her mouth and into the plant sitting next to her

I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me as the 4 of us ran towards the back door.

Before we could reach it a cop burst through the door. We all put our hands up in defense as he pointed his gun at us.

Mayah pov
The four of us sat on the curb after we tested positive for alcohol in our system.

"My parents are going to kill me" I said

"My parents are used to this part" Tia sighs

A woman officer came up to us and bent down to our level

"How much have you guys had to drink?" She asked

"I think Mayah drank the most" Tia chuckles

As she asked us more questions our parents cars drove onto the street

"Here we go" Ethan sighed

My mom walked towards me and yanked me by my arm

"Ow what the fuck! Let go of me" I said pulling away

"I will not tell you again to stop using that word! And what in the world do you have on?"

"A dress?" I said sarcastically


"You are out of control." My dad says

"Sneaking out to parties. Drinking, and dressing inappropriately? Are you out of your mind!?" My mom screamed

"No.. im just trying to live. Not everyone wants to study all day everyday and be forced to work in an office! I'm not 5 you can't keep my trapped in here 25/8!"

"Well now we don't have much of a choice do we? You're grounded until further notice" my dad says sternly.

"Whatever" I scoffed

"And I don't think its a good idea for you to be around Tia ans those boys anymore" my mom sighs

"No. You are not taking my Tia away too. Fuck you! Thats the only happiness I have while living in hell"


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